
137 31 10

"50 panggilan tak terjawab"
"20 pesan baru yang belum anda baca"

"what the hell is goin' on?" gumam Nick panik

Nick pun me-nelpon balik orang yang menelponnya, yang tak lain adalah kekasihnya, Anna

"what's goin' on dear?" tanya Nick panik

"Help me, nick" jawab Anna pasrah

"Nick, what's goin' on? kenapa kamu berlari ke backstage? our concert is unalready done, dude. Why you always busy with ur phone?" tanya Zion kesal

"Look at this! look!. Anna, my dear, she needs my help!" jelas Nick sembari menyodorkan ponselnya

"What do you mean about help? is she not comin' here with us?" tanya Zion

"No, zion. She is not comin' here with us, i just let her go on night club" jelas Nick dengan oerasaan menyesal

"Why you're so dumb?" kata Zion tidak percaya

"You must choose!, stay on this concert or you still go to safe your girlfriend, an the consequence is the boys won't sorry you?" ujar Zion, yang membuat Nick semakin bingung

Yeyy, segini ae prolognya.
Bcs, i think it's to much😭
So let's check it out the story, dear
Oiya, jan lupa, bintangnya dipencet yak:)

On My Way - PRETTYMUCH Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang