37. She's afraid of me!?

Start from the beginning

"but now I regret my every action mama.. now I realised whatever she was doing because of her worst mood swings.. and she needed me but I let her down." I said and mama silently listening to me while her eyes were on me.

"And one more thing was revolving in my mind at that time. my damn dreams. I thought this will ruined everything but no! I was wrong. when I realised my love for her I realised that for me nothing is more important than hana not even my dream. She became my dream...." Finally mama open her mouth while cutting me off.

"Then why you did to her rahmaan. If one person love someone they don't do anything to hurt them. They never hurt someone they love.. and you crossed every limits to hurting her" she said disappointed shaking her head. I felt sorrowful lump in my throat and gulped that sorrow as I remember how much I hurt my hana. She was my innocent hanu and I really crossed my every limits.

"I was became mess mama. I really wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry" I whisper and two more tear escaped. I just wanted to justify my actions and want my hana back but I know no one was going to believe and justify my wrong deed not even me.

"I love her mama. I want her back. I can't live without her" my whisper barely came out and i hugged mams placing my head on her lap after sometime she strokes my head.

"Go prove her! Prove her that you truly love her. Prove her that your sorry and wants her forgiveness. Go and earn her forgiveness..." She paused and cupped my face.

"..Go and win her heart again" she said the same thing which Fathima did. While wiping my tears she kissed my forehead.

"I'm your mother rahmaan. I never want to see you in pain.. and now I can see if you don't get your hanu back you will break just like hana.. call me selfish but I don't want that pain for my son" she said and I got up and sat beside her and hugged tightly.

"I'm sorry mama! I'm really sorry for everything.. please forgive me" I said slightly weeping in my mama's arms.

"I will forgive you when you bring my daughter in law and my grandchild" she said and I smiled feeling little shy.

"I will bring them both " I said in determination.

"Then go" she said and i kiss mama's forehead and went for winning my Hana's heart again mission.


Hana's POV

I never thought one day my whole existence would be changed. But it happened, my whole existence changed. A few days ago I was someone's wife although who never considered me as his wife or never love me. But I never thought he didn't respect me either. I thought however he was he will never hurt me intentionally but I was wrong. He just not hurt me, he broke me, he shattered me into pieces.

Why he did this to me? I always love him with all my heart. In return I just wanted loyalty not even I asked him to love me. I was willing to wait for him all my life happily but he was the one who came close to me. Who make me believe that he will accept me as his wife in front of all world he make me believe that he will give me respect but again I was wrong. He was the one who snatch my dignity. Who disgrace me. Who used me.

A lone tear escaped my eyes. I don't wanted to cry but my tear didn't wanted to stop. I was laying on the bed in the room of khala's house. Watching ceiling. And replaying everything.

How he came to me. How he behaved that he cared for me. How he make me his slave by his sweet talked. And how I did everything what he wanted me to do.

Why we girls are this stupid. We think our husband or boyfriend was the one who is always right. And what they says was true. Sometimes truth is in front of us but we believe in our blind love And think our duty is to fulfill their desire and we stupid women did this willingly happily thinking they love us. Not all men maybe but most of the men who didn't wanted their relationship to be official or halal. Now I realised why maan didn't wanted ruksati. Cause he knew one day he will be bore of me and wanted to get rid of me and he got that chance after hearing my.....

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