Chapter 2

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After running away when I was 18 and getting away from years of physical and mental abuse from Gregg, I decided that I wanted to help others who were just like me and in need of help from abusive parents and kids who were even homeless and needed help. But I had no way of doing so with the little amount of money I had. I was staying in a run down motel and barely even had money for food.

I ended up getting a job as a waiter in a little old cute coffee shop. It didn't pay much but it was enough to get me food and more nights at the motel. Late night around 8:30pm, 30 minutes before the cafe closed my last table to serve was a cute lovely couple around mid 30's. They were very sweet and polite and despite from all the usual rude or annoyed customers I get they made my day. They even gave me a generous tip which I refused at first but they were persistent.

Eventually day after day they ended up coming back and always requested me as their server. They told me all the other servers were just rude. I ended up getting to know them as the Smith's. So late one evening when I had to close up shop one night after serving the couple I started to walk home until I heard my name being called from a car.

The car pulled up beside me and it turned out to be the Smith's themselves. 

"Nicole dear, are you ok? Why are you walking"

"Oh," I replied chuckling, "I don't own a car so I usually take the bus to work and then just walk home"

"This late?" They looked at each other, "We can't have that can we?" "Get in and we can give you a ride home."

I smiled, 'Oh that's fine I don't wanna be a bother to y'all and It's really not that far"

"Nicole please It's late and cold outside and you only have on your work clothes and a thin sweater."

I wanted to say no mainly because I didn't want them to know that I lived in a motel and didn't want the judgement...but it was very cold tonight so I just agreed and thanked them. 10 minutes later we arrived at the motel and I sighed knowing what they would say.

"You live here?" They questioned

I looked down and replied, "Um yes I do I know its bad and stuff but this is what I can afford but Its safe so yea.."

They both looked so heartbroken when I l looked up at their faces.

"Nicole... what happened? Don't you have any family?What about your parents?"

I was so disappointed in myself for some reason and I honestly didn't know what to say... I ended up telling them everything about my mom dying, my dad abusing and raping me, and how I had no family that I knew of. And from that day forward the Smith's became my role models, my everything, my....parents.

3 Years Later


"Finally" I said to myself while stretching and getting out of my bed. Today was the day that I was going to finally open my shelters for the homeless and open my new adoption agency. My shelters were only temporary though as that it my goal. Basically for my shelter we put homeless families into them and my company have fundraisers and charity events for the homeless, all the money goes all towards getting these families into a new home stocked with food, clothes and everything they need for 6 months until they can get back on their feet and pay their own bills.

My new adoption agency is for kids and teenagers who have/had abusive or came from abusive families and need a new loving family that will never hurt them. We keep these kids and teens in our company houses until every last one of them are adopted and we go check out their new families for 3 months to see if they like them or not and if the new parents are capable of caring and loving these children. Its something that I wanted to do for the longest and I'm glad I finally achieved it.

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