Chapter Seven

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A/N: (L/N) means Last Name.


(Y/N) Followed Nate into a little shed, Sam close behind her. They trudged down s few steps, as Nathan peered at an open window, and hooked the grappling hook onto a sturdy looking wooden plank. "That should. hold" He muttered to himself. vaulting out of the window, and repelling down. "Alright, come on down!" "Alright, Alright I'm coming don't have a fit!" (Y/N) quipped cheekily. "Hardy har har..." Nathan shot back as (Y/N) repelled down and jumped to the ground. She heard Sam groan in pain as he hit the ground, grapple in his hand. "These landings are a little bit more painful than I remember." He grumbled. "Yeah, tell me about it.." (Y/N) agreed. (Y/N) walked over to yet another cliff side, which had a lovely view of the ocean.

"So uh... both of your other wonderful finds, the ones I missed. Did you guys at least take any pictures?" Sam asked as they all climbed onto a pillar. "Elena took some with her camera occasionally, but the camera somehow they always got trashed." (Y/N) explained, jumping from the pillar to a small platform, to the side of a cliff. "Oh that's a real shame." Sam commented. "But, Nate has some drawings." She added, causing Sam to snicker. "Drawings? What are they like up on the fridge or something?" He asked Nate teasingly. "What?- No they're decently good drawings!" Nathan exclaimed, but to no avail. He sighed and grabbed onto a one of the four wooden poles sticking out of the cliff.

"This looks promising." Nate stated, grabbing onto the second pole. "I think you mean 'Precarious'." Sam said, as (Y/N) watched him climb with concern. Her heart lept into her throat as the pole nearly snapped in two. "Oh, shit!" Nathan yelled, quickly gabbing onto the fourth pole and making it to safety. "You okay up there?" Sam asked, as he and (Y/N) climbed up to the poles. "Yeah...Yeah I'm good." Nathan said, trying to catch his breath.

Once they got up to where Nate was, (Y/N) punched him in the arm. "Ow! What was that for?!" Nathan shouted, rubbing his arm. "That's for scaring the hell outta me! There's a reason I call you 'Nathan Brake' you know." She shot back, making Sam laugh, as he pulled out the grapple, getting ready to hook it to the stone statue attached to the balcony's fencing.

"It would suck if you missed right now." Nathan said, silently praying he wouldn't get it on the first try. "It sure would;" Sam replied, smirking as the grapple caught onto the statue. "But I don't miss." He climbed up, quickly making it to the top, as (Y/N) followed suit, she smiled as Sam pulled her up onto the balcony. "Why thank you kind sir." She said, a playful grin on her lips. "Of course, Mi'lady." Sam replied, causing the both of them to chuckle as Nathan joined them on the balcony.

"All right.." He said, going over to enter the Auction house. "Ah, Nathan?...Nathan?" Sam called, causing the younger Drake brother to turn around, slightly annoyed. "What?!" He asked; quickly calming down when Sam pointed to the zipper on his blue jumpsuit, and began to unzip it. "Oh.." He said bashfully, unzipping his jumpsuit along with the other two.

"Okay..." (Y/N) said, looking over herself in the windows reflection, and suddenly feeling anxious about her appearance. 'Ugh, my hair looks awful...I shouldn't have worn this jumpsuit, it makes me look like a slut-' "You Alright (Y/N)?" Nathan asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. "H...How do I look?" She asked the brothers, facing them fully. Nathan had a lopsided smile on his face, and Sam gave her a small smile, pink on his cheeks, and his eyes filled with love and adoration. "Like 400 million bucks," Nathan said, Patting her on the shoulder. "Let's go."

He opened the window and headed inside. (Y/N) went to follow, but stopped as Sam caught her hand and pulled her close. "You look like an angel, Princess." He said lovingly. (Y/N) blushed, kissing him on the lips. "You're looking pretty sharp yourself handsome." She replied, and then promptly headed inside.

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