Chapter Four

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A/N: Hey everyone! Madds here; I just wanted to let you all know that if you read last chapter and noticed that the name Mya was where (Y/N) should have been, please ignore that! For some random reason, my phone decided to autocorrect (Y/N) to Mya (goddamn autocorrect!!!) Anyway, if you spot this again, please let me know and enjoy the chapter :)

The flight to Italy and the car ride to their hotel was (surprisingly) uneventful, and boring. (Y/N) spent most of the time on the plane watching movies, or sleeping. She looked out at the city on their hotel rooms balcony, watching the people hustle and bustle around in the streets below.

"Mind if I join you?" (Y/N) turned behind her, looking at Sam with a pack of cigarettes in his right hand. "Not at all." She said, turning back to gaze at the beautiful city. Sam walked over, taking a cig out of the pack and lighting it with his lighter. He took a long drag off of the cigarette, slowly letting the smoke leave his lips.

"So...How have you uh...been?" He asked, though it sounded more as if he was asking himself it. "Well, I've been...." She paused, trying to think of the right word to fit how she's been. "I've been a mix of emotions." "A mix of emotions?" "Yeah. I haven't been good, but I haven't been bad, and I haven't been ok, but I've also been all of those things at once." She explained, making Sam chuckle. "So you haven't been: good, bad, or ok...but you also have been: good, bad and ok?" He asked. (Y/N) nodded. "A mix of emotions."

Silence filled the air. 'I wonder how Sully has been...' She thought to herself. 'I hope he's been ok.' "I-...I really missed you..." Sam muttered, bringing (Y/N) out of her thoughts. "I missed you too..." (Y/N) replied quietly, putting her hand on top of his, which was resting on top of the balcony's fencing.

"Y'know, you were always on my mind in the prison; 'how is she doing?' 'Has she moved on?' 'What is she doing with her life now?' I had all of these questions that I thought I'd never get to ask you. But now I do." Sam said. (Y/N) nodded in agreement. "Yeah we have a lot to talk about." "Nate had told me about some of the adventures you both went on together." Sam stated, talking a drag from his cigarette.

(Y/N) smiled slightly. "Did he now? What did he tell you about?" Sam shrugged. "Not much; just how you found the lost city of god damn Elderato!" Sam exclaimed, making (Y/N) giggle. "Yeah...yeah we did. God that was ages ago. What else did he tell you?" "Oh loads of things; he happened to mention that you went on some adventures by yourself."

(Y/N) nodded. "Uhuh. I did. Nate left the treasure hunting gig way before I did." Sam hummed. "Well, what'd you find." "Jesus where do I even start?.....Maybe with, Atlantis." "Wait, Atlantis as in, the lost city of Atlantis?" Mya nodded. "Ho-ly shit!" He said. "That's amazing!" (Y/N) laughed. "Yeah it really was. I kinda wish you and Nate were there to see it though." "Yeah I wish I was there too...b-but, tell me all about it." (Y/N) smiled. "Ok, so let's travel back 7 years ago..."


"That's when we realized the whole city was collapsing around us; we barely made it out with our lives, but I did manage to grab this." (Y/N) pulled out a tiny light blue gem out from her pocket. It had a strange aura to it and seemed to be glowing.

"Woah. What the hell is that?" "I dunno, I think it belonged to the royal family or something."
(Y/N) explained. She yawned feeling suddenly tired. "But I think it's time we get a good night's rest, I'm tired as hell." "Yeah." Sam said, gazing into her pale grey eyes. "I...I'm really glad I'm back." (Y/N) smiled, pulling him close, and pecking his lips. "Goodnight Sam." She whispered, walking back into the hotel room.

She smiled slightly at Nathan's Loud sleeping, got changed into her P.J's and climbed underneath the warm covers of her bed. (Y/N) yawned once more, letting her eyes flutter shut, and fell asleep.

                                              Word Count: 747

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