Chapter 10: What to choose?

Start from the beginning

***At the Cafeteria***

Harith - (gets near Dyrroth's table) Hi... Dyrroth, may I please sit with you?

Dyrroth - ... (groans)

Harith - (sits with him) Well... I need help, please and I know you are kind of popular with the girls...

Dyrroth - (looks at him with a dead stare)

Harith - (starts to get nervous) I need help... with...

Dyrroth - Nana?

Harith - No... she is my cousin. (Roll eyes)

Dyrroth - Lylia? (gets angry)

Harith - NO! (Nervously chuckles) I need help with a boy... (looks down)

Dyrroth - (raises eyebrow) You mean the ginger hair magician?

Harith - Yeah (blushes)

Dyrroth - What do you need? (keeps eating)

Harith - Well, (whispering) yesterday I was making out with him... but it seemed like he wasn't comfortable.

Dyrroth - Did you touch his...

Harith - (interrupts) YES! (whispering) please... don't talk so loudly.

Dyrroth - (smirks and chuckles) So you are gay... big deal. If no one wants to know then they don't need to listen or eavesdrop. So, what do you need?

Harith - (plays with hands) What do I need? We were so close to doing it and well... like I said, I have the feeling that he didn't want to continue.

Dyrroth - (hands over a condom)

Harith - (rapidly grabs and puts it on pocket) OMG! (Blushes and facepalm) why are you so okay with this?

Dyrroth - I just don't care, it's normal for me. I do this all the time. I can get any girl I want.

Harith - (smirks) Except Lylia.

Dyrroth - (dead stare) I know.

Harith - Sorry... So, this will obviously help me protect myself.

Dyrroth - Look, just do it. Don't think about it, lovers don't want someone that doesn't know what to do. They want someone who grabs them hard and make them feel weak. Trust me. After that you will have the power of the relationship.

Harith - Uhm. That doesn't seem right... but ok. Thank you (gets up and continues to the class)

 Thank you (gets up and continues to the class)

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**After school at Harith's house**

(Harley's P.O.V.)

Wow, I wonder where Harith went. At lunch break he was talking to Dyrroth, but after I didn't quite see where he went, and after school he just dashed with Lolita to who knows where... (realizing) Wasn't she his ex-girlfriend? (gasps and puts backpack on the table) I guess he got bored of me (sadly) or maybe he has a good explanation. Guess I'll have to wait for him to come home.

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