"Johnny lovesss Lolaaaa!" The girls chant, as Johnny yells at them to shut up. Liam doesn't look too pleased. Either he's jealous of Johnny, or more likely, he's annoyed that we're taking away the limelight of Liamade.

"Are we drinking this or what?" Liam yells, as Frank clunks his cup against mine. "Cheers." We all say, and take a sip.

As if planned, Frank, Johnny, Carmen and Tee all spat the drink out practically over each other. "EWWW THATS NASTY!" Carmen squeals, as I swallow the rest of mine down in one. I thought it was quite nice. Unusual, but nice.

"Its got worse!" Frank exclaims, and I can't help but giggle.

"Guys it pains me to say this, but I quite like it." I laugh, causing the others to throw their empty cups at me.

"See! at least somebody has good taste!" Liam jokes, just as Gus comes running out to examine the bottle. He continues to ask for all the ingredients, how long it took to make, Where it was made e.t.c e.t.c and of course- wrote it all down in his book. Liam was reluctant to spare any details, which made Gus slowly more and more angry. It was a jokes day to say the least.

Later on that evening, and we were all piled in the living room watching some shit film about the war. I don't mind historical films, but this one just seemed to be humming in the background while the rest of the house erupted in chaos. Mike had fallen ill, so Tracy was in charge of dinner while he slept it off. It wasn't going down too well with us, especially Saphire who was kicking up a right argument with Gina about compromising her night out by allowing her a lock on her bedroom door. Harry was ridiculously hyper, Lily was upset because her sisters visiting was over and Toby was kitted head to foot in swimming and kitchen wear as he was convinced that Mike was dying from the plague. I lean over to whisper in Liam's ear, "So much for our quiet night together." He smiles, and replies "Don't worry, I've got a plan."

Gina comes in to wish us all a good night, and no sooner had she left Tracy was yelling for us to go to dinner.

"What the hell is that?" I question, looking down at the piece of 'pizza' which was slipped on my plate. It was topped with barbique sauce, ham and pineapple-which was fine. But then, for no reason at all, been covered in banana. "I ain't eating THAT." Liam replies, standing at the counter and piling the slices on top of each other. Like normal, the other kids start copying him, and Tracy soon comes in in a flap.

"Theres nothing wrong with my cooking, guys." She sighs, taking Harry and Gus for bed and leaving me, Frank and Liam in the kitchen.

"I think I'm gonna go up to bed, guys." I yawn, feeling genuinely really tired from now doing my usual nighttime routine the night before, but Liam stops me.

"Nah where you going? Don't you see what we have there guys?" Liam questions. Me and Frank share the same confused look. "That pizzas a goldmine."

Liam proceeds to explain his invincible plan to con all our local neighbours out of a £1 each to buy a slice of this shit in order to save Elm Tree House. I quite honestly could think of many other ways to spend my Sunday night, but unfortunately for me, Frank also thinks of it as a good idea so of course it's going ahead. And I, some how involved, as usual.

"Why did you encourage him." I groan to Frank, as he pats my back and laughs. He's quite a funny character, and I can definitely see why him and Liam are best mates.

"Come on you muppets." Liam comments, leading us both into the office. "Here's the plan, me and Lola are gonna print off a load of knock off leaflets to give out to the punters. Frank, you go and put all the pizza into them cake boxes Gina bought for the charity cake sale. Then, me and Lola will bring the fliers to you and bush bash bosh, we go and make ourself some money for an actual takeaway."

Lola-Leigh (Tracy Beaker Returns Liam o'Donovan love story) Where stories live. Discover now