Fake Chapter 29

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(this is a fake chapter made for an April fools prank)

~~ (Y/N) ~~

'Wait... If my cat can teleport then I wonder what else he can do'

I look down at the cat in my arms trying to examine him for any abnormalities. He looks back at me with a death glare stopping me from patting him down any further. I shrugged it off and looked around at where he teleported me this time. It seemed he kept on teleporting me higher and higher onto rooftops close to eachother. I can't tell if he was controlling the quirk or not anymore.

Before, it seemed that he was going in random areas without a care in the world letting his quirk loose. Now, It seems he is starting to understand his quirk and is using it to get somewhere. It seems he can only go small distances at a time so if he really is controlling the teleportation then he must have a place to be.

'Why would he be teleporting me onto rooftops though...'

I blinked again to appear even higher than before. "Why do you keep doing this?", I ask him as if he would respond. Chicken Nugget stayed silent and teleported us up again. We were really close near the highest point of the buildings by now. I saw a couple of silhouettes at the highest point. A fowl feeling of suspense and confusion crept up on my throat as he looked up at me.

His little kitty eyes seemed less innocent then I had remembered when I had very first found him. We teleported up again right below the tallest building top. I could hear more clearly what was going on above and I did not like it in the slightest. 

"Kurogiri, Bring out the Nomus.", I hear a creepily familiar voice say followed by a bunch of flapping noises. I stopped in my steps and looked down at Chicken Nugget. "Don't you dare teleport me up there, I will not hesitate to throw you off of this building.", I mumble to him making sure to get the message across.

I started noticing little differences in him now that I looked closer. This was not the same cat I 'adopted' that day to mess with Hawks. 'Talking about Hawks... Where is he? Shouldn't he have been able to find me if I've been teleported small distances this whole time?'

Right before I let go of the cat in my clutches, I get teleported for the last time in the one place I didn't want to be. Where the villains are.

Chicken Nugget hops out of my arms and skitters away towards Shigaraki, the scratchy burger bastard. "Well, well, well... look what the cat dragged in. Literally in this case.", He comments in his eerie tone. I can see the same purple portal guy from before next to him.

"I can't believe Chic- the cat tricked me...", I sigh shaking my head staring at the imposter cat. I could have swore it winked at me. I looked around to see if there was anything to control to get an advantage against these villains but the rooftop was cleared, as if they were expecting my appearance.

Before I can do anything or go anywhere a purple portal rips open under my feet causing me to plummet into the depths. Right before I fell into the unknown I heard Shigaraki say, "I guess you could say... you were cat-napped." and he chuckled.

Then darkness.



Hey, you know what day I uploaded this? *cough* *cough* April Fools! I originally had planned for Chicken Nugget to be Toga in this chapter but it wouldn't make much sense in the story yet. When I upload the real Chapter 29, I'll edit the name of this chapter so people don't get confused. :D

|Discontinued| Hugs ( Mha X F!Reader )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum