Chapter 16

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I smirk at my accomplishment whilst sauntering across the sidewalk retreating back to my neighborhood. The sun is reaching the middle of the sky signalling me that noon is approaching. My stomach growls angrily at me signalling for food. I sigh with my appetite growing to enormous sizes when I pass by the cheap and extremely sketchy family restaurants.

My home approaches in the distance and I pick up my pace quietly trying not to alert anything or anyone that I'm here. I gently speed over to my door and jam the door's metal key into the lock to let me in. The door opens and I slip inside closing the door behind me.

My thoughts are immediately telling me to go to the fridge so I obey and grab a lazily prepared ham and cheese sandwich.

~~ Kurogiri ~~

Shigaraki seems more stressed than he usually is. He has been preparing a plan to attack U.A. again but it seems useless for us now since their security has gone up immensely. The only thing I can think up of right now is the one address we have of a U.A. student. We don't know who that student is yet but they could be of use to use if we can apprehend them.

As I'm busy thinking of a new plan Shigaraki shifts in his seat lifting up his head from his arms groggily. He starts to mumble something and then he writes it down on a sticky note sloppily with a black pen. He shows to sticky note to me like a child holding up their favorite drawing for their parents to see. Shigaraki s obviously drunk right now but I will keep that fact to myself.

I squint my eyes to focus on the writing that messily says:

Geeet new frends . Take annoying U.A student/s. Make U.A. mad. Profit.

I sigh holding up my hand to my face contemplating Shigaraki's child like behavior and he falls asleep yet again holding the piece of paper in his flaky hands. Something on the paper catches my eye again and I realize his ideas were actually useful. The Sports Festival was going to occur soon and maybe then we can form our plan

~~ (Y/N) Next Day ~~



My body jolts up and out of my comfortable bed at the loud alarm bringing me out of my deep sleep. I glare at the now destroyed pile of rubbish named an alarm clock. I may have gone overboard with the destroying part. My eyes look over to the noticeable calendar in the far corner of my room yet again marking the start of another day.

School... wait... SCHOOL?! I need to really hurry if I don't want to be caught by the crowd of interviewers again.

My tired legs move on their own bringing me over to a messy, unorganized, pile of uniforms stacked up on eachother. I reach for a random uniform, dash to the restroom, and start brushing my teeth while putting on the snug grey uniform. After brushing my teeth and changing I head to my kitchen for an extremely quick breakfast.

The cupboards open to reveal cheap plastic cups and bowl with obvious aging. I don't mind the appearance of the old tupperwares since I just use whatever I need not even paying mind to the abnormalities. After grabbing a (F/C) plastic reusable cup I head straight to the fridge for some of the almost empty orange juice bottle. The noise it makes pouring into the cup satisfies me just slightly before I force myself to gulp down the entire substance not sparing a glance.

Since I brushed my teeth right before doing this I still have the minty aftertaste of the toothpaste lingering. That mixing with the orange juice creates a flavor which nobody can describe and shouldn't even want to describe. My small (F/C) bag full of school work and random papers I have yet to throw away I still sitting on an empty chair awaiting retrieval.

I then grab and throw open my poor wooden front door making sure I securely lock it before I dash off onto the cracked sidewalk. The chilling air brushes by my revealed legs as I run causing me to slightly shiver and I can't tell it the feeling of the morning air was a nice or terrible experience.

Eventually U.A. approaches over the horizon and I sigh in relief seeing that I arrived just in time to avoid the incoming reporters and interviewers I could see from across the street. Once inside the gated area I look around a bit checking if anything is out of place at all since I didn't peculiarly like being surprised in the USJ attack.

After making sure everything was safe and secure I wandered into the large school finding my way to the familiar 1-A classroom.

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Holy gosh darnit I'm so sorry! This is the best I could do for now since I'm having to deal with a lot more extra school work and some personal issues. I know almost every writer EVER uses that excuse but It's because of one of my ex-friends being rlly mean rn. Also my birthday happened and so I couldn't write on that day and everything is just a mess... D:

anyways this is a terribly rushed chapter which I will most likely update in the future

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