Chapter 27

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(Sorry for the filler chapter. My writing pace slowed down a bit since I need to study for a bunch of my tests. I also need to get my life in check while I lose some people I counted as friends. :'D)

Hero training after this point has been pretty hectic to keep up with. The missions I have been assigned have mostly been using my quirk past its limits or retrieving items with a twist. Today was supposed to be a relaxation day after all of the harsh training I've gone through in the past couple of days.

Without Hawks' knowledge, I may have logged onto the apartment computer and ordered some stuff for Chicken Nugget. I felt like a terrible cat mother if I didn't get any toys or proper food for the kitty I love so dearly. Chicken Nugget is in major need for some exercise so I took it upon myself to order a cat leash.  I may have also clicked on the one day delivery option...

*Knock Knock Knock*

'The door didn't fly off so that means it's not Endeavor... THE DELIVERY!'

Hawks lazily steps out of his room to look at me in confusion. "I didn't prank Endeavor this time... that's new.", He mumbles walking over to the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee. I excitedly trot over to the door awaiting the glorious treasure I've been expecting for the past... 2 hours at least.

My hands grasp the door handle and I open it slowly revealing a delivery guy. "Delivery for... Chicken Nuggie meh Snuggle Buddy? who has a name like that?", he mumbles the last part for only himself to hear.

"Oh! Chicken Nuggie is inside right now. I'll take the package.", I enthusiastically tell him as I swipe the box out of his hands before he can react.

"Okay ma'am you need to sign he-"


"I don't get paid enough for this..."


"So what was all that about? Wait why do you have a package?", Hawks asks me trying his best to contemplate what happened with the little bits of conversation he heard at the door.

"It's a present for my little prince.", I say tearing open the box trying to find where the precious object was.

"I'm flattered", he mutters still in a sleep ridden state continuing to drink from a #1 Grandma mug not even noticing what he said.

"CHICKEN NUGGIE! I SUMMON THEE FOR THY TREATS.", I yell into the house to make sure the chonky kitty I'm looking for gets the memo. I hear the recognizable skitters of his little claws scraping on the floor and he drifts majestically on the wooden floor. With his tail raised high he looks at me with a stare which went so deep I could feel it in my soul.

'I need to really write a poem about this little handsome boi.'

I reach into the box pulling out some of Chicken Nugget's favorite flavored treats 'coincidentally chicken flavored'. His attention was immediately averted to the plastic baggy in my hands. I opened the bad and put a couple of treats on the floor behind him so he could turn around for me to put the cat leash on him. He complied without a second thought chronching on the chicken flavored niblets.

I swiftly hook the (S/F/C) collar with little bad*ss spikes onto Chicken Nugget's neck followed by the Contrasting (F/C) leash. Chicken Nugget took a moment to finish his treats before focusing on the foreign object resting on his neck. He begins to slowly back up and fall over onto his back staring into the abyss.

"I think I broke the cat.", I tell Hawks in a disappointed voice poking Chicken Nugget and waiting for him to respond.

He looks over to Chicken Nugget and then back at me until sighing and whispering in his most convincing yet sarcastic tone, "I knew it would happen eventually. You spoiled him so much that I guess he was overwhelmed. What a pity."

I began to tear up at the sight of poor Chicken Nugget having a literal mid-life crisis in front of me showing me no signs that I can help him through his struggles. "Forgive me Chicken Nugget.", I whisper holding him to my chest wishing for one more sweet meow.

Instead of a sweet meow he treated my ears with an extremely high pitched screech followed by kicking and rearing up trying to get away from me. Chicken Nugget clearly wasn't enjoying his collar and leash as much as I am.

"My sweet prince! You came back!", I shout hugging him even tighter causing for the cat to screech even more. What a heart warming family reunion.


"So where are we going again?", I ask Hawks while dragging Chicken Nugget behind me with the leash. Hawks looks at me annoyed for the fourth time on this walk through the city.

"I told you we were going to the supermarket to get a couple of things. It's a rest day for us so I thought I could get myself some junk food. My stock is running low because somebody *ahem* You *ahem* ate it all.", He states rummaging through his pockets for his credit card. I nod in understanding trying my best not to get on his nerves just yet.

As we were passing by a couple of different stores, Many different things caught my eyes simultaneously causing for my whole world to slow down. Confectionery Stalls littered the entire area making me stall entirely. Icecream, candy, boba tea, and sweet bun stalls caught my interest.

Hawks stopped walking and looked behind him to see me staring at the stores like a deer in headlights not moving an inch. Chicken Nugget is obviously enjoying the sudden change of pace since now he gets to finally sit down on the floor without interruption from his annoying owner.

"We can visit the stores after we go to the mar- and she's gone...", Hawks mumbles to himself seeing me run off into the stores ahead. He reaches into his pocket to check if his wallet was still there and to his delight it was. Except for a little complication...

I took half of all of his money.

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