The Beginning

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1 year later

A young Richard Grayson stood before two caskets in a suit and tie while being drenched in rain. He couldn't tell if the liquid on his face was water or tears but all he could do was think of how fast it had all happened and that they were really gone. Another sob shook his shoulders as he let out a small whimper.

Everyone else had moved away from the caskets or left from the funeral so dick was left alone to stand beside his parents one last time.

He felt as if the sky was morning the loss of his parents as he was. It poured cold droplets of water on him but he didn't care, everything around him was dull and grey nothing could fill the hole this was going to leave in him. He felt so hopeless and despondent.

A sturdy hand met his shoulders in a comforting gesture, Dick looked up to see a man with black soaked hair and deep navy blue eyes. He held sympathy in his eyes and somehow dick felt comforted by him being there.

"Hello Richard, Im Bruce Wayne. I wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss" Dick almost rolled his eyes but was able to hold himself back. Just another snobbish adult who thought he was to young to understand what happened or how they wished him well but didn't help him in the slightest. Adults are so annoying.

"I know this is very painful and you must feel awful but you'll get through this" dick faced forward again towards his parents. While he had heard this over a hundred times it seems it was still comforting but also hard to except since though he was sad and knew they were gone it still hadn't quite clicked in his brain yet.

"I know how confusing this all can be, and I want to help" this interested dick he turned back to the man with a curios and confused expression. He was looking just to the side of Dick but wasn't quite seeing. It looked as if he was remembering something from the past. Had he lost his parents too? Was that why he was sympathetic with Dick?

Before the boy could continue down this rabbit hole of thoughts another much older man rushed over with an umbrella. "Good heavens master Bruce you'll get sick if you stay in this freezing rain!"

Bruce seemed a a little shocked but quickly regained his composure. "Alfred I'm fine I'm just talking the Richard" Bruce said patiently. The man- apparently named Alfred- looked down at him as if noticing him for the first time. "Oh, my apologies I'll wait in the car for you to finish then" he tried to hand the umbrella to Bruce but he politely declined. Alfred huffed and said something about freezing as he walked away but dick couldn't quite hear it.

Bruce turned back to him. His hand had since been removed from dicks shoulder but he didn't move to replace it back. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes letting the freezing rain pour over them. Dicks brain was slowly going through every memory he could think of from his time with his parents. It made him even more sad when he couldn't remember something or something wasn't clear because all he wanted to do was remember his mother and father.

The way his mother always smelled like flowers and sugar

How his fathers hands were gentle yet strong

The group hugs with them right after a lot of tickling and laughter

The time dicks parents had first taught him the trapeze

More tears filled his vision. He missed them so much. It was finally starting to slowly click that they were really gone. He wouldn't ever smells his mother sweet scent or ride his fathers shoulders because they were gone. Truly gone.

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