*5 years later* chapter 20

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A/N: this is the finale chapter!

A/N: this is the finale chapter!

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Lacey's POV

It's been 5 years since i married the love of my life kendall♡ he's my everything. We have 3 kids now 2 girls 1 boy. Cherry has 3 boys 1 girl, and winter has 2 boys and 2 girls so we've all got our hands full. We hangout still and what not but not as often as we used to when we were kids so yeah.. but that's a part of growing up and it's honestly kind of sad because you grow up, leave home, move on and you do what you can sometimes i get lost in this old world and forget who i am but i remember I'm right where i need to be and there's no placed I'd rather be. Asher is out of prison he has a wife now her name is josie and they have twin boys. We still talk and are on good terms with each other. Which is good i suppose. No drama we are all too old for that we have husbands and kids now so we don't need pointless bullshit lmfao.

And they live happily ever after the end.

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