Chapter 8✅

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After arranging the meet up, i looked for the cafe that pervert mentioned but realised that i completely forgot to freakin ask where it was!

Damn it!

I went back to the public phone and tried calling him for about an hour but it was out of service.

So i tried to look for the place by myself.

I would ask people around but they too would be completely unaware of the cafe.

"agh!! Is he lying to me?! I bet the cafe doesnt even exist!" i sweeped back my hair and started walking

Honestly, there were two or three people who were familiar of the cafe but their directions were unclear that i got mixed up with it

I felt like i was going round and round the city just to go back to square one.

Hours have passed and im hungry.

Thinking that he was still waiting, i just took some street food and ate whilst walking around the city to find this hearty breakfast cafe.

What if he left already?!

I asked myself.

No.. No he wouldnt...

He wants his phone as much as i want mine.

Another day and another disasterous event!

I cant believe im ACTUALLY going to see the pervert AGAIN!

I must be crazy!

Though, then again, everyone treasures their phones..

The sun has already set and i felt weak.

"ughhh... I should have had lunch" i regret the decision of going by without lunch.

I walked through streets and alleys but i couldnt see any cafes

Just as i was walking down a street, i saw an unfamiliar alley.

"uh? I dont think i've checked here before" i said

I turned and entered the dimmly lit alley and wasnt looking my way that i bumped into two people and fell

Just when i got up, they were all cornering me.

"im sorry. Excuse me" i said and tried to walk past two of them but they wouldnt budge

Instead, they nudged me and i stepped back

They then started walking forward. I gripped onto my sling bag and stepped backwards.

Sighing, i didnt really want any trouble.

I tried my best to walk past but they just kept shoving me backwards.

I swear to you.. If i didnt skip lunch, i would have enough energy to fight back even if the probability of success is 0

What to do? It didnt look like i was of advantage with 5 male ganging up on me.

They were taller, rough and they looked pretty hard to knock down alone.

Just when we were halfway inside the narrow alley, i tried pushing them and i knew i wouldnt get to pass but i didnt think they would push me this time.

Just then, i heard speeding footsteps and the next thing you know is that two of them are knock down after hitting the cemented walls of the narrow alley.

I looked to see the perverted guy bent down

"WATCH OUT!" I shouted when i saw one of the foreign guys kick him from the back.

He stumbled and fell forward

I was pulled up and my arms were locked behind me

"your boyfriend sweetheart?" the guy who locked my arms asks me

"worse. He's a byuntae (pervert) " i answered in english leaving the 'pervert' as a korean word in the english sentence.

The pervert stood up and was gonna fight but he got a surprise punch in the face

When i generated enough energy, i planned a escape route

"yah! You get that guy. I will get the other two" i told the pervert back in our korean language

"Wha-" he asked me

I did a flip as i ran up the cemented walls and releasing myself from his grip and then ended it with a knee kick from the back.

"yah! You can FIGHT?!" He shouted at me as i finished off with the other guy that i said i would fight with.

"RUN!" I said as i took my bag and grabbed his hands and started running

Technically, we didnt hurt them that bad.

Well, besides from the two people this pervert decided to double kick in the beginning.

They probably would wake up tomorrow.

The other three would be up and chasing us already.

"GET THEM!" I heard one of them shouted in english

Yep.. They're up.

We both ran to a no particular direction but since i was lost, i just went where ever my legs took me.

"uhh... Is it this way or was it that way?" i asked myself

"you DONT know where we are do you?" he asked me

"uhh... Well i know we're in europe... And i know that we're not home" i said still looking for a sign

"THERE THEY ARE!" i heard a shout from the back and they were fast.

They ran so fast.

Ughhh long legged people who knows how to run are so damn lucky!

"aghh come lets go this way" the pervert immediately took my hand and we started running again.

This time, he was in the lead.

We past by several streets and we made multiple turns.

I kept looking back to see if those local people were close by.

Luckily they werent close enough to catch us.

After running so much, i couldnt keep up anymore.

"wait! Wait!" i stopped and took a breather

I feel so lightheaded..

My throat is dry, and my head is spinning!

I panted like my life depended on it and basically it did..

"come on! They're not that far behind!" he hurried me

"i havnt eaten a meal all day. I dont think i can run much more" i told him

My hand were on my knees and i was bent down in an asian squat.

Ughh... Im so out of shape..

"... Okay. We'll go to the festival that they have tonight. It must be packed in the times square. Just a little bit more" he assured me

He extended a hand to offer me and i looked at him with a worried look all over his face.

The fact that a lamp post was just above him made him look like he was flying from where i was squatting.

Is me or is this guy shining?

The reasurance he gave me felt trustworthy seeing as he is a complete stranger..

Who is he?

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