Sound Advice from a Stranger

Start from the beginning

"Oh I know she loves me, she may not have realized it but I know she does. I mean that doesn't change what happened, but at the same time I know where her issues lie and she had to fight her whole life and it's all she knows; most of her life she could count the number of people she could depend on one hand."

Naomi nodded "She traumatized and doesn't know how to deal with her emotions properly, I'm not saying it to be funny but it sounds like she needs therapy."

I winced at the idea of anyone bringing up going to therapy with Vae.

"See with that face right there, it tells me she definitely needs therapy. She probably has some deep-seated issues and no offence, you seem like a great guy but you probably can't help her the way she needs."

I put my elbows on my knees and bowed my head and really thought about what Naomi said. Nevaeh had gone through hell from being abandoned by her dad, who decided to start a family with another woman not even two years after he left her and her mom. Being ostracized by her community, being raped and impregnated and losing the baby and that was all before the age of 18. It was almost like she never had a change to be carefree she always had to have a wall up, and although she had her mother, Anastasia and Anastasia's grandparents she probably thought if they found out the whole truth they might abandon her too. Even now I could protect her from the outside world as much as possible, but I couldn't protect her from her own demons; demons she had been carrying for over a decade.

I felt some nudge on my side and I turned to look at Naomi.

"Sorry I know you were deep in thought but umm your friend is calling you." I looked up and saw Colton looking at me nervously.

"Umm sorry to interrupt" he looked between the two of us and it was then that moment I realized our knees were still touching and to anyone else it looked intimate. I moved my leg slightly.

"What's up Colt?"

"She's here." He said nervously, bouncing between legs.

"What?" I croaked, trying to look behind him but he was blocking my view.

"Wait. She was in the ex?" I could hear Naomi say but her voice sounded like she was far away and not sitting right next to me, I could see Colton giving her the side eye.

"Ummm yeah I was dancing with some girl, and I felt someone bump into me and when I turned to say something it was her. I'm not sure if she recognized me or not but she didn't say anything so I don't think she did." In that moment he moved to the side and the girl I didn't notice was clinging to him the first time said something and took a seat. My eyes quickly scanned the club and not even 15 seconds later my eyes landed on her, her hair was straight again, she was wearing a reflective dress that shined every time the club's strobe lights hit it. From where I was standing I could see her dancing by herself, which caused me to calm down a little but not much. God she was fucking beautiful, she looked like a fucking siren trying to lure you in with the way her body moved.

"Woow. She's stunning, like a siren or something I see why you don't want to let her go." I heard Naomi say.

"Did you see her with anyone?" I asked Colton trying not to take my eyes off her as she moved around, thankful she wore such an outlandish outfit.

"No when she bumped into me she was cursing some dude out for touching her. Dude she was GONE which maybe why she didn't realize it was me, like she smelled like straight up booze and the heavy shit too."

I stood up but felt a hand on my shirt, I looked down to see Naomi who looked at me worried "I don't know you well Anthony but like I can tell you are a good dude." I wanted to tell her to get her hands off me so I could get my girl. I turned back around to see some dude grabbing her "Be careful... please remember what I said." She let go and I quickly made my way out to the floor.

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