Making her way back to the closet, she caught a glimpse of green pass by the hallway that led to the main exit. Her eyes fixed itself on them; a tall brown-haired teen waited patiently as she leaned against the wall, just as another teen that sported a light strawberry blonde, rounded the corner.

        The tall, long haired teen in a half-pony smiled at the blonde with forest green eyes as she returned the gaze. Michelle noticed something different about their smiles, as if it was more than a mutual friendship and when the two of them locked fingers, her assumption proved true - they were lovers.

        "Hmm," she mumbled as she got in the Janitor's closet and set down the bucket with a mop in the dirty water. Her thoughts were boggled by the thought of two women in a relationship, but she did not really ponder on it too much. "Love is an enigma."

        After a long sigh of relief, she left the room and headed to the garden, hoping to clear it before the last of the sun had gone. With a rake in hand, she continued her job under the cool autumn breeze that lightly blew at the fringe across her forehead. The auburn leaves on the partially wet grass flew away ever so slightly with each attempt Michelle did to pull them in a pile.

        As the sun set in the distance, she let out a deep sigh of relief - relieved that her job was almost over. Rake in hand; she slowly and carefully guided the leaves in the big, black garbage bag. The autumn breeze had gone and past which made her job a little easier just as the shadows of the night dawned on her.

        Looking up to the sky, she smiled as the stars came out to play. Though they were hardly visible, she heaved in a deep breath as night sky greeted her comfortable on a moon-less night. She turned her head at the back gate, where a stranger had her hand up at the sky as if reaching out to it.

        I wish, I too, could touch the sky, she thought as her gaze returned to the beautiful night sky, cloudless and calm. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" Michelle asked none in particular as she smiled at the night sky once again, before she turned to the stranger just beyond the big silver gates. The stranger under the hood looked at her, but she couldn't tell if what she was thinking, though Michelle admired her lovely blonde curls that hung freely on her shoulders. "Well, have a nice evening."

        With those words, she returned inside and sighed as she entered the Janitor's closet once more. Her work was done, although the pool was left, but it can wait until tomorrow, where the senior janitor would help her. As she prepared to change into her casual wear, she noticed the paper bag and her stomach rumbled as if to communicate with her.

        "Really?" Michelle rolled her eyes as she sat on the round metal stool and put the paper bag on the metal table. The sweet of strawberries had faded, but the food remained intact as she took out a small Tupperware of strawberries and a zip locked sandwich.

        Minutes had gone by and Michelle had stuffed her stomach with food, but as she ate, she recalled that one of the mops she used was still at the southern hallways. Clicking her tongue, she at the last of her sandwich and packed everything bag into the bag, then opened the door. Dusting her hands, she proceeded to the hallway as she stretched and immediately saw it.

        "Darn it," she mumbled as she saw how the dirty water on the mop dried out on the floor, which made a small pool of black that looked like a sketch of a lake. "I guess this is my fault."

        With vex, she took the mop and headed back to the Janitor's closet. But before she could even cross the hallway, she heard a loud burst from the eastern hallway and to her surprise; she saw a familiar set of blonde locks on the floor. Caught off-guard, her grip on the mop handle loosened, which caused her to drop it.

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