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       "... And Alaster, one last thing. I need you to take a few of your men down towards Havenville and offer them a proposal. My army can use their town as a station, a resting area if you will, and they must give unto us 60% of their crops. They will be known under part of my empire. If they refuse, you will kill them all." The man nealing before me nodded and stood. "Yes, Lady Mackenzie." And with that, he walked out.

       Aside from the clicking of his shoes on the marble floor and the echo of doors slamming, it was silent in the palace. I leaned on my one arm, head cocked to the left just slightly, and starred at the guards protecting the doors that stood as tall as the room. I just sat there for a good hour until boredom sunk in. "SARA!" I yelled, and it became much louder than intended as it echoed off the walls, but it didn't bother me too much. Shortly after, a tiny, frail woman came rushing towards me dressed in a long black robe and knelt down in front of me. "Yes, Lady Mackenzie?" I sighed and stood up. I motioned for one of the guards to come over, and after slight hesitation, the one on the left volunteered himself. He walked quickly towards me, and just stood there as he awaited commands. "Sara, do you see these poorly made outfits these guards have to wear? They just stand there, all day at that door. Same for the ones outside that door, and the ones that guard the castle gate and the ones that walk the streets. The ones here and outside this door ate very crucial to me and my saftey. Guard, what is your name?" "R-Robby, your Highness."

     I nod, and walked around the two of them. "Robby, do you think your armor is protective towards, say, a blunt object?" "Not particularly, your Highness." I motioned towards other guard to walk over, and I whispered to him. He nodded and ran off, then returned with a sword. It was a black that seemed to have a sort of dark mist flying off of it, and it seemed like it was made out of a black wood, or like when you see vines grow they're always twisted and turned, but this was colored a pure black. "Sara, who made these guard outfits?" I walked towards the other guard and gripped the sword while I waited for a response. "I-I did, Lady Mackenzie."

       I moved about 6 feet, from the main doors to Robby, in seconds. The butt of my sword smashed into his breastplate, and he fell to the ground. I stood back up straight and looked down at the man whose name I forgotten already, keeping a straight face. I could hear Robby gasping for air and coughing as he gripped his chest. "Imagine the enemy attack. They're surly stronger than I, Sara. Imagine all my men acting like this when we attack... I asked you to make an armor that could protect me- and my men, of course. You failed." As I was thinking about raising my sword to her, the doors opened and I looked over to see Alaster walking in.

       "Ahh, perfect. You're back." I made my way towards Alaster. "Do you need something, Lady Mackenzie?" I nodded. "Young Sara here failed a task, and I need you to ta-" Sara quickly jumped up and interrupted me. "Lady Mackenzie asked me to make an armor for the guards that were really strong and resistant to hits, and I-I thought they were! I had nothing to test them against. Please! Don't take me!" I was angered that she had the ordasity to interrupt me. "Take her outside... However you chose to kill her I don't care. Just make it painful." I shot Sara a snarling look, and she seemed to sink into herself with fear. I continued, "If she does any kind of damage to my lovely home or makes a single mark on anyone, kill her where she stands. I know shes going to die anyways, but make any harm to my home and your fate will come faster." Somewhere during the sentence I heard wearing coming from the girl but never cared to look at her.

        Alaster just nodded and walked towards Sara. Sara started backing away, keeping her arms up to defend herself, but Alaster took long strides towards her and got to her faster than her tiny legs could back up. He took hold of her and she fought back, screaming in fear of death and pleaded to be sparred and I saw some guards follow him to help. I ignored her and turned around as they got towards the door, and her screams continued through the room. I sat down, then looked over towards Robbie and sighed. "My poor floor is going to be stained now..." The screems in the background abruptly stopped, and a moment later Alaster came walking in by himself. The guards that joined them came back shortly after Alaster joined the room. He had a patch of his robe missing and blood stained both his skin and his clothes. I noticed the guards were also stained the crimson red. I assumed she put up a fight and tried to escape. "Did you need anything else, Lady Mackenzie?" Alaster interrupted my thoughts. I just shook my head. "No, Alaster. Thank you. However, I will need a new assistant, so if you find anybody capable of doing so, send them to me. How did Havenville turn out?" "They accepted soon after I mentioned your name. No threats were made." I smirked. "Good. Go clean up, Alaster. You look like shit." He let out a chuckle and with that, he left.

AN: Hey guys! I'm so sorry this has taken so long. I'm still writing the other chapters but I figured I'd post this first one for anyone interested. I switched up the story slightly and any criticism would be helpful. If you liked/disliked a scene, let me know. If you wanna see anything happen go ahead and say. :) Anything is helpful.

And thanks again guys. :) The other chapters will be coming out soon.

Another quick note: If anyone wants to read about Alaster, Just_Some_Random made a book called Deserters, and has some cameo of Mackenzie. I think it's well worth the read.

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