Natsu Dragneel: First Christmas?!

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If anyone has a request, please don't hesitate to ask! :)

Quote: "There is nothing to fear! WE ARE NOT ALONE!" - Natsu Dragneel



[Y/N] - Your Name

[H/C] - Hair Color


Snow. Snow. Snow- and oh yeah, MORE SNOW!!

You huffed at the white wonderland before you and shook your head in confusion.'What is it with people and getting excited about the snow?' You wondered before turning back to your book, your mild interest in the snow disappearing.

Suddenly, your door slammed open. "[Y/N]! Look its snowing!" A familiar voice cheered, making you smile a little. He always managed to make you smile- but you could never understand why.

Was it because of his bubbly attitude? His innocent acts? Was it because of his kindness and protection towards his nakama? You could never figure it out. And that bugged you.

"[Y/N] come on! Let's go to the guild and have a giant snowball fight!" The rosette haired boy exclaimed excitedly while pulling your book away from you, causing you to groan lightly. "Natsu give it back. Why are you so giddy about the snow anyway? It's not like its special, we see it every year."

Natsu raised an eye brow at this, but only laughed, "you don't mean that. The snow means that Christmas is coming, and if Christmas is coming that means a nice fat man will come with it. He gives out presents to everyone!" He said with a cheery smile, obviously hyped about the holiday. However, there was one small problem.

"What's Christmas?"

Natsu's jaw fell open as he stared at you in shock and sadness. "You don't know what Christmas is?! Come on! We have to fix you!" With great speed the dragon slayer had quickly grabbed your arm and spun you until he had you over his shoulder. "Natsu put me down!" You yelled while pounding his back repeatedly, causing him to stop in the door way.

Natsu looked back at you with a serious expression. "I can't. This is important."

Leaving you in shock, he quickly ran to his destination: The guild.


"WHAT?! YOU MEAN YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF CHRISTMAS?!" Everyone yelled, causing you to shrug innocently. "Aethelinda never mentioned any holidays existed, much less Christmas. Its just something I've never heard of, but that's okay. It's not important right?" You asked while tilting your head to the side cutely.

The guild sighed at your words and innocent nature. "My child, Christmas is a beautiful holiday. Family all come together to celebrate as we give gifts to each other as well as decorate the guild. It is indeed "a very important holiday." Master proclaimed with a wide smile, making you smile as well.

"All right. I'll give it a try." You said before feeling someone hug you from behind. You glanced at the two appendages to see tan strong arms. Feeling a head lean down on yours, you looked up slightly to see pink spiky hair. 'He's probably just upset about Igneel since I mentioned Aethelinda earlier.' You admitted to yourself inwardly, starting to miss your mother the more you thought about her.



"Is there really a reason to celebrate Christmas?"

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