Chapter 1: Birth

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"Congratulations, Mrs. Stone! It's positive! You're finally pregnant!" exclaimed Dr. Stone's wife's gynecologist after the test. Dr. Stone felt like everything he dreamt of became true. He's finally going to be a father. That's all he wanted. He smiled as he pictured his family happy and ordinary. Last time he smiled like this was the day he graduated from medical school.

Dr. José Stone has been through so much in medical school. He kept himself from anything that distracts him. When he received his Bachelor's degree, he immediately started to prepare for medical school. He didn't bother to celebrate. In medical school, he has witnessed many suicides of his classmates and friends.

It was after his best friend, Snow Hastings, committed a suicide in their dorm room, Dr. Stone decided to be alone and not to make any more friends. Snow always complained about his grades. He admitted that it is his fault he didn't submit his assignments on time. Snow thought he had no other choice other than killing himself and make his dreadful life come to an end.

    Dr. Stone completed his study and became a medical doctor. As he didn't have any experience in life outside of books, he was new to everything. Mary Brown is his first girlfriend. She is a chef. She taught him how to cook, do laundry, clean up his house and most importantly, how to survive in this world.

Mary Brown married Dr. José Stone and took his name. Mrs. Stone gave him everything he needed. She was a 29-year old when they got married. Her gynecologist told her that if she wants to have kids, she should have it before she turns 30.

The couple tried to get pregnant for the past six years. That's why Dr. Stone is glad to hear the news. Mrs. Stone is 35 now. The gynecologist is worried about her. She might not deliver the baby safely. But no one knows that for sure. She's just two weeks pregnant.

Dr. Stone was perfectly normal, average kid before he went to College. College changed him a lot. It made him selfish. He buried himself in books. BOOKS, that's all he knows. It's his world. He didn't care about girls, parties and social life. You can say he's a nerd. He wanted to be normal again. He wanted to have a family as normal people do. He searched for the meaning of his life. After all, everyone is born for a reason.


Mrs. Stone is now eight months pregnant. She's pregnant with twins. She's expecting a son and a daughter. The pregnancy has been really hard for her and now it's getting worse.

"Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?" Dr. Stone said with a calm voice.

"Good morning," replied Mrs. Stone as she pulled a chair in their dining room.

"What happened? You look like you have seen a ghost," he got up to get her an orange juice.

"Nothing just a nightmare," she sighed running her right hand through her dark brown hair.

"What was it about?" he gave her the juice and got back to his seat right next to her. He hates it when someone takes nightmares seriously.

"Thanks," she put it on the wooden table.

"Go on, I'm listening," he said ready to catch any word that comes out of her mouth.

"It was about the twins. I dreamt of the delivery room. I was in pain you next to me, they say they're having a difficulty of coming out and the nurses give up. There was blood all over the place." Mrs. Stone let out a frustrated sigh.

"Then what happened?" Dr. Stone inquired.

"And then one of the twins pleaded me 'Don't leave me! Please stay. I need you' but one of them held my hand and took me to a door. I opened the door. Then I woke up." Beads of sweat broke out on her brow.

"Ca- calm down. It's just a nightmare," he tried to calm her down, suppressing his fear.

"What would you do if I don't make it?" Mrs. Stone asked her beloved husband, still crying.

"Don't say that. I know you will," his eyes filled with tears.

"Would you re-marry? Would you be with another woman?" her voice shaked.

"Nooo! You know I wouldn't do that. What has gotten into you?" he left the room. He didn't want his wife to see his weakness. He always hids his feelings.

Dr. José Stone is a perfectionist. If he's expecting something, he wants it to occur as planned. This behavior of his impacted his marriage so far. He planned his wedding. It was enjoyable but Mrs. Stone's sister, Joy, didn't make it on time. That pissed off Dr. Stone. He was unhappy on his wedding day. How pathetic!


Today is the big day! It has been thirty minutes since Dr. Stone and Mrs. Stone got to the hospital. The doctors took Mrs. Stone to the delivery room. None of the nurses there said a word to Dr. Stone.

"She's on anesthesia, doctor," said the anesthesiologist to make it clear that Mrs. Stone is ready for the surgery. The position of the unborn children wasn't good. The team is concerned about the mother's and the babies' life. It's gonna be a complicated surgery.

The doctor has his soothing classical playing. He got it from a game. It keeps him focused as game themes help to concentrate. It's some kind of a ritual he does. When that theme is on, he's ready to do miracles.

After a careful procedure, the first one came out. The baby boy got cleaned out of the blood all over his body. The second one did too. But she died instantly. The mother, Mrs. Stone didn't make it either.

"Turn that thing off! It's making me sick!" the doctor exclaimed taking off his pair of glove. The runner nurse turned the monitor off. The doctor left the room to tell the father what happened.

"Dr. Stone, I'm very sorry. But-" he didn't let him finish.

"I knew it! She was having nightmares! Are the babies okay?" Dr. Stone inquired as he grabbed the doctor's cloth.

"Your wife and your daughter have passed away. Your son is still alive and he's okay. We did everything we can. I'm sorry," he walked away leaving Dr. Stone in misery.


The past two months were unbearable to Dr. Stone. He's in an emotional anguish. He had to take care of his son and himself. He has no friends to help. "You're the only thing I am left with. My wife and my daughter are gone. DEATH! Death took them away! Yes, I'm gonna call you Death. You were born in the room my daughter and the love of my life died," Dr. Stone stated carrying his son, Death Stone. Death smiled at him. He's just a two month old child. He has no idea what his father is saying.

"However, I promise to raise you properly. Your mother would want that." Dr. Stone picked up Mrs. Stone's picture from the table in the living room. It's a picture she took when she was expecting Death and Life. Life is twin sister of Death. But she died and his father gave him his name.

"She would want you and me to live. To be happy. How can I be happy without her? Tell me HOW!" Dr. Stone exclaimed at Death. He knows it's not Death's fault that Mrs. Stone and Life died. He knows Death is not responsible. But what can he do? After all, he has no one to talk to. Death is the only living human with him.

Dr. José Stone did his best to stay strong. After he got the news about his wife and daughter, he made sure they're buried appropriately with the respect they deserve. Even though no one other than Mrs. Stone's sister, Joy showed up, he is glad that the ceremony went well.

Dr. Stone learned how to take care of a child all by himself. Before Death was born, he thought Mrs. Stone would be there to care for the twins. That's why he didn't learn anything then. But now, struggling with the loss, he couched himself to be a great father. That way, he can feel better. He needed his mental health to be good enough not to lose Death, his only son. His only family.

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