𝚃.𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚡 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢/𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 -"𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦"

Start from the beginning

Placing their bookmark into the novel, y/n turned to face Tom. He eventually looked up at the h/c 's face , his eyebrows frowning in confusion at his love's concerned face. "What's wrong?" He asked, pulling them closer into his chest, placing a gentle kiss on top of their head. "I just...don't understand why your wanting to-to get into this...dark stuff Tom. I mean...think about it, if you do succeed in making one-" y/n started which was quickly interrupted by Tom, "which I will" "right...your going to be left with nothing in the end. No friend is going to live forever" y/n chuckled at the last part but kept a sad face.

"Good thing I don't have any friends" to replied simply, y/n laughed at Tom, but when they saw that he was Sirius (a/n: I had to) y/n's smile disappeared and was replaced with a shocked look. "Tom! You have friends! Rosier, Malfoy, Avery, Rookwood! And others! How could you say that?" Y/n replied saddened, "they aren't my friends, they are followers" Tom said shortly. "Wowwwww" y/n spoke, sarcasm dripping from each letter.

Y/n's POV:

I couldn't believe Tom would say something like that! I know he doesn't enjoy their company and can be annoying at times but I didn't think he would go as far as call them followers.

"You've got to be joking." I said, turning away from him. I was getting frustrated now "I'm not joking, they are only there to do what I say." He said sternly. He seemed amused by my words, which made me even more mad. "And what are you planning on getting rid of them eventually?!" I asked, my temper rising. "Probably, once I've taken over the ministry I'll keep the faithful ones and put them in the ministry and execute the disloyals" Tom said to me, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "I suppose your planning on getting rid of me too then?" I said barley audible, but he somehow heard. "Are you disloyal?" I could tell my words were getting to him.

At that point I had had enough, i scoffed "I can't believe you!" I spoke softly. I picked up my book from the soft grass and walked off towards the castle. Not looking back.

Time skip 3-4 years later (graduates hogwarts):

Y/n's POV:

I was back at hogwarts, going to talk to professor Dumbledore and McGonagall about the DADA position that just opened up. I remembered where the quietest halls were so I decided to walk down those instead of getting tangled in the present students. I heard the bell ring, signaling 4 period was over, I soon heard the yells and stomps of students heading to their next classes.

I reached Professor Dumbledore's office. once Headmaster Dippets, now had a large basin of water-looking liquid in the corner I recognised as a pensieve (a/n: idk if I spelt that right) and a bowl of muggle sweets on top of the grand shining desk in the middle.

"Ah, ms/mr l/n! Nice to see you again." Said a deep voice behind me, making me jump. Dumbledore appeared next to me with a small smile on his ageing face, "please sit down." He spoke as he sat. "Sweets?" He asked handing me the bowl of yellow and red sweets, griffindor pride I thought. I took a yellow one and motioned for dumbledore to start. "Well
Y/n, since I did teach you myself and I've seen your talent first hand, I am glad to give you the job seeing as you did a course at the ministry for obliviators to back you up! I also believe you were a better candidate than one other person" Dumbledore finished calmly. "Great! Thank you!" I spoke a wide grin covering my face. I asked Dumbledore who the other candidate was, the professor just smiled a gave a knowing nod. Oh.

Time skip to the battle of hogwarts:

Y/n's POV:

The only thing you could see were dead students or deatheaters, it broke my heart to know that all of this was caused by someone I cared for and who I thought did the same for me.

I'd already fought off many deatheaters and saved as many students as I could. I had joined the order of the Phoenix as soon as I heard about it. I watched as one by one, each of them fell down never to get back up, I felt horrible pity for Remus and Tonks as they had just had Teddy, and George Weasley had lost his other half, Lavender Brown along with the Creevey brothers had also been taken.

He gave us one hour. One hour to greave for those lost and make sure those wounded were getting healed. Then I heard a voice, y/n...I know your there in the castle. I panicked, knowing just who it was, come and join our side, come join us and we will not harm you. lies. I thought. He has hurt people I care about, why wouldn't he hurt me? Don't make me hurt you y/n. I don't want to. I moved to a more secluded space. "Why not?" I though aloud. I still care the voice spoke. Bullshit. I told myself.

Once the hour was up, we all made our way to the courtyard, I looked around at the fallen down pillars and broken shards of glass. I remembered all the memories this place holds, when Umbitch tried to ban Trelawnley from Hogwarts grounds and Dumbledore came and stopped her. When the Weasley twins made their grand fair well, when James Potter asked Lily Evans to go on a date I front of the whole school. I smiled weakly at the thought but was quickly snaped (a/n: i had to again I'm sorry) out by a loud yell by pastey boy aka moldy voldy. All the deatheaters laughed especially that Bellatrix, she was mad even for a slytherin.

Voldy looked at me, a glimmer of relief washed over his eyes before turning back to the rest of the group. Neville Longbottom said a speech which I was really proud of him for (and people say he's not like his parents). Then Draco was called over by his parents, I felt sorry for him, he didn't want this and I could tell. Voldy spoke again but it was directed to me. "Lovely
y/n...joining us?" He asked, I could see he was hopeful for me to join him. I looked at all the deatheaters, a lot of them I had taught, I then looked at my side, full of young witches and wizards who knew their choice and had endured terrible things at Hogwarts the past few years, from Umbitch to the Carrows punishments. "No." I said calmly. "What?" His 'lordship' (note sarcasm) asked puzzled. "No." I repeated louder. He looked saddened as if I had betrayed him karmas a bitch i thought, smirking. He then went on to say something about us all dying blah blah blah I wasn't really listening.

I remembered how potter had jumped out of Hagrid's arms and shot a spell at the deatheaters before dueling Voldemort. It all ended as Voldemort was destroyed. Leaving the deatheaters to be captured by the ministry.

I watched as everyone left to mourn and for some to celebrate. I replayed Voldemort's death over and over in my head for at least 15 minutes before Professor McGonagall came up to me and took me inside. I had witnessed the downfall of the boy whom I cared for, I'm not sure if I ever truly loved him after I found out about the horcruxes, but before that? Yes, yes I did.

2008 words! If you made it this far well done I could never

I cannot be the only one thinking this about Tom: "me dads a muggle, me mams a witch, bitofanastyshockforhimwhenhefoundout" bloody Seamus and Tom have something in common!

Next: 👩🏽‍🦱🦁

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