He then struck at Sora and Jamie, making them grunt and crouch down in pain. They supported each other as they looked up to see Goofy and Donald blocking Vanitas's attack.

"Donald," Sora said weakly.

"Goofy," Jamie did the same.

"The King told us about this. Ventus wasn't able to defeat Vanitas. They struck each other down, and they said that Ventus's heart never returned to him!" Goofy explained.

"You're not gonna do that to Sora and Jamie! No way!" Donald stated as they pushed the attack further away.

"Stay out of this," Vanitas growled, shoving them away.

"Sora! Jamie!" they yelled when they saw Vanitas approach them.

Sora and Jamie attempted to use their weapons, but Vanitas pushed them aside and aimed his blade at them.

"Join your hearts with mine!" Vanitas yelled, ready to strike.

"Made you look," Sulley's voice sounded, making Vanitas turn around.

Sulley then roared at Vanitas while Mike covered Boo's ears and she did her eyes and Y/N had the doors ready. Vanitas dropped his blade, which disappeared and Sulley grabbed him, holding a struggling Vanitas up high.

"Let me go!" Vanitas commanded.

Once the doors were ready, Y/N stood by the first door and Mike at the second with Boo.

"Over here, Blue Boy!" Y/N yelled.

Sulley then ran to the door, threw Vanitas in, then told her, "Close it! Quick!"

Y/N obeyed then ran to the third door while Sulley got the first door. Mike opened the second door, Sulley threw the first in, Mike closed it and ran to the fourth door as Sulley grabbed the second door. He did the same with Y/N at the third then with Mike at the fourth before they all shredded the fourth one with proud smiles. They high-fived each other.

"Boo!" Sulley said.

Then they each gave Boo a high-five.

"That was awesome!" Sora said.

"Yeah. Thanks for saving us back there," Jamie smiled.

"We owe ya," Donald and Goofy added.

"No, we should be thanking you," Y/N told them.

"Yeah. We never woulda managed to get Boo this far if yuh hadn't come along to help," Sulley replied.

"And finally, we found her door," Mike added proudly.

Boo giggled before facing Sora and Jamie.

"Boo, we know how excited you were to come play with Mike and Sulley," Sora told her.

"Yeah. Sorry we dragged you into this," Jamie said, rubbing her arm.

"Watch it! You two are gonna scare her with those faces!" Donald exclaimed.

"Hey, you are way scarier," Sora remarked.

"He's got a point, Donald," Jamie giggled.

"Gawrsh, I think you three are scary," Goofy commented.

Everyone just laughed at that.

"Okay, Boo. Time to go," Sulley told her.

"Kitty. Birdie," Boo said sadly.

"We'll catch up soon, kid," Mike assured.

"Mike Wazowski!" Boo exclaimed.

"No, that's Donald, Boo," Mike said in a little frustration.

"Mike Wazowski!" Boo repeated, hugging Mike.

Mike patted her head while telling her, "Better. I'll see ya, kid."

She then went with Sulley and Y/N, who each had her hand.

"Boo!" Sora, Jamie, Donald, and Goofy called.

She, Sulley, and Y/N turned around to see the four of them, making funny faces at her while telling her "So long!", which made her laugh. Then Sulley and Y/N brought her home.

Once done, they regrouped in the main lobby of the factory.

"Sorry for all the headaches we caused," Sora apologized.

"Don't mention it," Sulley said.

"Yeah. Plus, it was kinda nice having a little adventure for old times' sake. Right, Blue Boy?" Y/N smirked.

"I couldn't agree more, babe," Sulley agreed.

"Yeah. The flying and the falling—and hey, let's not do that paint thing again—but nothing like running for our lives to get the heart pumping," Mike said.

"I had a great time," Donald replied.

"Donald! All you did was complain!" Sora pointed out.

"I did not!" Donald objected.

"I live with this," Jamie said, making Sulley, Y/N, and Mike chuckle.

"Any chance that we can drop by again?" Goofy requested.

"The door's always open," Mike nodded.

"And maybe Boo can join us!" Sulley added.

"And maybe SJ and our Boo can come. What a playdate that'll be," Y/N mentioned.

"Yeah. That would be great," Sulley agreed.

"Who are SJ and your Boo?" Sora wondered.

"Our twins. We had Mike's girlfriend, Celia, babysit them since this was Boo's first time back since this place became all about laughter. We just wanted to test the water, but with the added danger, it's a good thing they stayed home," Y/N explained.

Sora looked at Jamie, who smiled shyly.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention that," she whispered.

"Well, I hope they can come," Sora said, holding a hand to Sulley, who shook it.

Mike and Donald shook hands while Jamie and Y/N hugged. Then they all waved bye to each other while Sora, Jamie, Goofy, and Donald headed for the door.

"For the record, I still get the most laughs!" Mike shouted.

"Happy exterminating!" Sulley and Y/N added, making them chuckle.

"Thank you!" the group of four said then left the building.


A/N That was fun to do! But one more thing!

KH3: Two Worlds, Two Hearts, One Love (Sora X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now