Shy Girl

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Sarailah POV

5 months later

This damn pregnancy has been HELL! And Chris aint making it no better. He keep calling, texting, kiking, face timing me and shit, knowing damn well ion wanna speak to him! I told that nigga,

If it ain't about the money. Don't be blowing me up, nigga I aint getting up. If it aint about the money. Aint no use in you ringing my line, stop wasting my time...

But antyways! I'm getting ready to get a lil sonagram and see my babies. I cant wait til they come!

"Ma! Im ready!" I yelled to my mom. She didn't respond. "Mother!! Maaaa. Lady!" I ran to her room to see her sleep. She had written a note.

Sarailah, let Chris take you. Love you! -Mommy

This heffer did this shit on purpose! She been wanting me to speak to Chris, and I REFUSE to speak to that thotful bastard...I would drive if I could reach the wheel. But I cant. So ima just walk. I grabbed my phone and a key and left out of the door.

Chris POV

I hate that Sarailah won't talk to me. I really fucked up this time. So I just drive around to relieve stress...

So I'm driving down the road and i see a pregnant lady walking on the side walk. I slow down the car to see if she needs a ride.

"Hey beautiful, need a ride?" When she looked up at me, I felt a mixture of emotions. "What are you doing walking with my children in you!? Get in." I ordered her. Sarailah looked at me like I was out of my mind and kept walking.

"Get in this car!" I told her again, not even having to move forward to her because that's just how slow she was walking. She still ignored me and kept walking. I got out of my car and picked her up and put her in the car.

"Where you headed?" I asked her.

"Clinic." She spoke softly and had her head down covering her face with her hair.

"Can I come.?" I asked wanting to be by her side the rest of the way.

"Nope." I can see she doesn't want anything to do with me.

"Okay. Ima come anyway." I told her.

We pulled up to the clinic and she got out before I could fully stop the car. I got out and walked with her. She went up to the desk and signed in and stuff. They took her back immediately. I waited outside in the hall because she had a male nurse and I couldnt bare to see him touching her.

Sarailah POV

So Chris ended up bringing me ANYWAY! I was perfect walking. Even though I tripped over a couple of rocks and craks in the ground, but I'm good.

We walked into the clinic and I back right away. Ooh I got me a male nurse...and DAMN IS HE FINE!

"Miss Smith, I need you to take off all of your clothes and put this robe on." He just wanna see me strip right now cuz im sexyyy! But fr he must want to because he hasn't left the room yet. We just stared at eachother.

"Oh right! I should leave so you can get that done...bye" He said after a while. As he left he slick tripped over.........nothing.

Anyway I stripped and waited for him to come back in. He finally came in after 10 mins.

He walked in, scaring me. I jumped.

"I'm sorry if I startled you Miss Smith. Lay down for me please. This may hurt a little." He stuck a stickin me for?? And spreaded some liquid stuff on my stomache. That shit was cold!! But anyway, he rubbed the lil thing on my belly and showed me my babies. (Sonogram in photo)

"Aww looka there!!" I cooed

"Haha yes lovely!" He said. I think he fruity...

When he finished I got back dressed and left the room walking straight past Chris, on my journey back home. Of course my turtle walking ass didn't make it far before he caught up with me and asked the dumbest question ever.

Chris POV

"Why are you so upset with me!!??" I asked Sarailah, already knowing the answer. She gave me a wtf look.

"I never meant to hurt you,I'm sorry!" I told her.

"You should've THOT of that before you did what you did." After she said that, she continued walking.

"Well just let me give you a ride home then." I offered. She stopped and then got in the car.


I pulled up to her house and she hopped out of the car not saying a word to me. I waited until she got into the house to pull off and go home.

Sarailah POV

Chris pulled up to my home and I hopped out without saying anything to him. I walked in to the house to be greeted by my happy mother.

"How was it honey!?" She asked overly excited.

I just went up to my room, layed on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

Shy Girl (A Chris Brown love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ