Shy Girl

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Beep Beep

I reached over to my nightstand to turn off my alarm clock. I checked the time, it was 5:30 am. We had to be loaded by 6 and gone by at least 7. I took a quick shower and put on some comfortable clothes. I walk downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs.

"Mornin sweetie" My mom called out as i approached her.

I planted a kiss on her cheek. "Mornin ma. Have you already been loading boxes and stuff?"

"Yeah, just your stuff is left."  She answered. I finished eating and loaded my boxes on the truck. When i was finished, we started our long drive to California.


"Mom are we there yet?" I asked as i woke up.

"Yes child. Now unload."

"By myself?!" I complained.


It took me 3 hours to unload! When i was finished i just lied in my bed. I got the biggest room in the house because i have the most stuff. My room was already painted blue and green. After bout an hour i fell asleep.


"Mom when are you gonna register me into a school?" I ask.

"Right now. Come on let's go."

"I hope you know nobody's gonna be at school on a Saturday." I say as we ride around looking for Cali County High. (A/N~thats made up) We pulled up to the school and it was straight packed!

"Why the hell so many people here on a Saturday?." I asked my ma...which she ignored. Damn, don't answer my question then bihh.

We walk up to the office and i chose my 8 classes.


8:00 Calculus
9:30 Spanish 1
10:00 Physical Education
11:30 HealthCare Science
12:00 Lunch A
1:30 Literature
2:00 Biology
2:30 American Government

At my old school we got out at 3. I didn't know lunch was counted as a class. After i signed in and all that stuff we went out to Olive Garden and went shopping.


Well tomorrow is my first day. Im not gonna wear anything too flashy. I don't wanna stick out. Im just gonna wear my red Mad Or Nah? shirt with my faded skinny jeans and red vans. I gotta go get my books today. I forgot to get them yesterday. Mommy is gonna let me drive her BMW!! Yay me!! I drove to the school to get the books...these some thick ass books doe! I also got me a locker. It turns out we do get out at 3:30. My dumb ass forgot to add the extra hour and mins on. I got home around 6 due to riding round just lookin at stuff. My ma had cooked baked spaghetti. I ate then took a long shower and went to bed.


I woke up at 7 and took a shower and just let my hair hang. I put on my outfit and went downstairs to eat. Turn up with the Trix!

"Trix are for kids!" I laughed at myself while i ate. I brushed my teeth then left around 7:30. I got to the school at 7:50. I went to my locker and put my books that i didnt need up. I started to walk around searching for my first period class. I finally found it as the late bell rung.

"Class we have a new student. Her name is Sarailah Jade Marie Smith. Have a seat by Chris. Chris, please raise your hand. Thank you."

OMG. Why did he have to put me by a boy. I made my way over to where Chris was sitting at.

Chris POV.

This girl fine but she look insecure. She walking with her head down and her curly hair covering her face.

"Wassup" I said to her hoping she would look up so i could get a better look at her face.

Sarailah POV

"Wassup." Chris just spoke to me. And LAWD is he fine!!!

I keep my head down and my hair covering my face and reply, "Hi."

Chris POV

She didn't even look up. But at least she spoke back. It was?like this the whole period. When the bell rung, she shot out of her seat and rushed out of the class. I was quick to follow her. I feel like a damn stalker. I found her at her locker.

"Just go ask her what her schedule is." I tell myself.

Sarailah POV

Im at my locker when i think i see that Chris dude walk over to my locker. "Hey. I was just in the class you just left and i wanted to see your schedule." He said

I kept my head down and handed him my schedule.

"Cool we have all of our classes together." He says

Great. Just great.

With that i turn around and start to attempt to find my next class. Damn he caught up with me.

"I can walk you if you'd like." Chris suggested

Nah, im good.


He walked me to all of my classes until lunch. I told him i'd meet him there and he left. When i got to the lunchroom, there was one empty table and sat there until....

Chris POV

I sit at the table with my boys lookin for her all around the lunchroom. Until i spot her at one herself. I walk over to her and sit across from her.

"Why you over here by yourself?" I ask

"I couldn't find you." She says

She lying...

"Well you found me now so come sit with me at my table." We walk over to the table with my niggas. Her head still down. She sits and plays with her nails.

"I know we just met but i wanna take you out on a date." I slick ask her out on the sly.

"Um i still have alot of unpacking to do. So no thanks."

And with that she leaves. I gotta find a way to get her.

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