Chapter 10

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This sword is too heavy!

It was red. Everything was red while I was walking on an endless pathway. Finally, my body stopped and I lifted my head and finally saw a person, covered in black and only showing his unnerving and unsynchronised eyes. I saw him walking towards me in a slow manner, my nervous breathing and the continuous beating of my heart was what I only heard.

Finally, he stopped after he noticed that he was close enough. His cold eyes glimmered dangerously while he unsheathed his dagger skilfully. Quietly, he whispered, "Eliminate the wench's daughter."

And I woke up.

That dream... The unidentified assassin was there. Right... when I was on the training ground, was that assassin sent to assassinate somebody else or... me? It can't be me, right? I have never offended someone that badly that they would want me dead. Except if Reginald secretly hates me more and actually wants me gone now. Sigh. I guess that assassin was just bored out of his mind and decided to kill me for his amusement. There is no way that his target was me! And who's the wench's daughter, huh?!

Anyways, I started tidying up and wore a simple green dress, going at the kitchen quite tiredly. After arriving, I immediately went and gather the ingredients for my choco-filled biscuits. Kyla and Amelia spared a look at each other before walking towards me.

"You're already baking?" Amelia asked me who did not even waited for Ophra and Claire. I sighed and smiled at them forcefully, "I'm not in the mood to wait..." I stated with a small voice. Seriously, I feel so tired after that nightmare.

Kyla worriedly patted my back and gave me some sort of bottle that has the fragrance of medicinal herbs. "Here. It's a rejuvenating bottle. Drink it and you will feel refresh after a minute." She forced the bottle on my hands while winking. Amelia sternly looked at me, as if saying that I should probably drink it.

While comfortably smiling at them, I opened the cap of the bottle and inhaled its medicinal scent. I instantly drank it and gulped it down, not caring that it's bitter. Ophra and Claire arrived later on while Ophra immediately dashed to me and scolded me that I should've wait for fellow teammates. I actually didn't listen at her rantings, especially since that medicine left quite a bitter taste on my mouth. Eugh...

After I baked my sweets, I sat down at one of the decent chair and started resting. Usually, after I'm done with my work, I will go and assist Ophra with the others. But like I said, I feel tired and not in the mood all of a sudden. However, it seems like my body is regaining its strength because of Kyla's rejuvenating medicine.

When Ophra and her assists were done, we finally went at the dining room to serve our dishes again. As usual, they praised our dishes and exclaimed that we really did a good job. Like every morning routine, Kahlia grabbed me and dragged me towards her room for her to doll me up.

"Hmm... what should I let you wear today? Oh, what about this sexy style!" Kahlia exclaimed while I only faked a smile at her. My strength is back now but I'm still not in the mood to speak enthusiastically like the usual. Kahlia noticed my mood and stopped talking.

"Carlita? What's wrong?" Kahlia asked me in concern after noticing my quiet manner. I grinned half-heartedly, telling her that everything's alright. However, Kahlia halted and observed thoroughly. I stared at her, perplexed.

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