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Geonosis: 22 BBY
Airfield Ground Assault
Commander Axe

    Blasters fired all around him and gunships screamed overhead. He paused, letting his weapon cool down, before pressing onward. His Jedi general pressed on ahead, his green lightsaber taking down droid after droid. General Tiin waved them forward, pressing on. Vulture droids swarmed through the gunships, landing their strikes. Gunships crashed on top of clones and droid fire caught several clones in their blasts.

Axe turned back, hearing cries through his comm. He blasted a few of the droids that had outflanked them. Another clone fell in beside him. "I guess we're really in this war!" The clone shouted as he fired a rotary blaster.

"Nothing like the simulations, though," Axe replied, taking down more droids.

"Did you honestly expect it to be?"

They returned to the main squad and pressed onward. Axe lost sight of the clone for a minute. They ducked beneath a spider droid, firing their blasters at its leg joints. They rolled clear as the droid fell. "Of course not!" Axe replied.

Large catacomb mounds rose around the airfield as they approached. Several Separatist ships attempted to take off, but were shot down by an explosion in the fuel cells. General Tiin had disappeared into a gunship, leaving them to press on behind the other Jedi. They reached the airfield and began creating a perimeter. Several clones ran forward with rocket launchers.

Their aims were true. A Trade Federation ship came crashing back down into the red sand. In an explosion of dirt and metal, the ship disappeared. A rock formation nearby quakes precariously. The droids were outflanking them again. Axe whirled, blasting droids as they approached. Several walkers turned their guns onto the rock formation.

"Get back!" Axe shouted as the structure began to collapse. He spied an injured clone limping after them. Axe sprinted back and draped the clone's arm across his back. His other friend joined them. They stumbled across the battlefield as the structure fell. Axe pushed the injured clone to safety and felt himself being pushed after.

The structure collapsed in a cloud of dust. Axe scrambled to his knees, searching the haze desperately. A hand was all that met his gaze. "Tazer!"

Ryloth: 21 BBY
Separatist Outpost
Commander Axe

    The ridge was silent as they waited. Their small infiltration party would be with the Separatist convoy by now, Axe reasoned. In a few minutes, the perimeter wall would fall and they would take the base. The procession rounded into view and proceeded into the outpost courtyard.

    Axe lowered his scanner, searching. He spied three clones dropping off one of the tanks. The clones crept along the perimeter wall as the droids marched the Twi'lek prisoners away. Axe held his breath as they moved.

    They reached the control console and ducked around it. Any minute now...the wall stayed standing. Axe looked again, but couldn't see the clones. A few more moments passed and a section of the wall collapsed. Axe nodded and the group charged down the slope. Their blasters fired at the oncoming droids as they ran.

    "Commander!" Someone shouted.

    Axe paused as the droid army ceased their advance. The droids parted and the three infiltrators were marched forward. "Surrender, Clones, or they die!" A battle droid ordered.

    A captain with a green shoulder pad shook his head. "Don't do it, Sir! This mission is more important."

    "Time's up."

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