Chapter 13

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Avery's POV

The snow fell a few weeks later, and it turned out that we had to be outside while it was snowing. I was fine with that since I got to wear a coat while taking the picture. I knew absolutely nothing about this book, all I knew was that the cover was going to change the snow to gold sparkles or something. The shoot went by kind of fast even though Addison wasn't the one taking them and I somehow ended up at the very spot where Harry and I had our first date.

I've thought about the article every second of every day, but I still don't know what to think. I really want to believe Harry, but at the same time... I don't know. I believed that he was having commitment issues with me, and that kind of explained it. If Hannah was another girl that he liked, he was probably trying to figure out what he wanted. I guess I wasn't what he was looking for.

"Oh my god.. Avery."

My breath caught in my throat, and I slowly turned around.


Harry's POV

I've finally cut Hannah out of my life for good. I continued to talk to her for a few days after the fight Avery and I had gotten into, but she started to want more and all I wanted was Avery back. I haven't seen her in about a month, and while part of that might have been the fact that she was trying to avoid me, Addison said she was getting more and more offers. And just because she was avoiding me, didn't mean I was going to let her. I tried to go to her flat numerous times, but she was never there, and I've gone to the bridge more times than I can count on hopes that she'll be there. She never was.

Except today.

I almost couldn't believe it. I even doubted myself for a second, but then she turned to the side and I recognized her. My heart raced, and I could barely breathe.

"Oh my god.. Avery," I breathed.

I could see her hesitate, but then she slowly turned to face me. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her coat looked beautiful on her, and I could tell that she had just been to a photoshoot because her hair and makeup was done. I really missed her.

I took a couple steps towards her, but only a couple because I knew she'd move back if I took any more. "How've you been?"

"Uh.. Busy."


"I've been modeling a lot more."

"I haven't seen you in a while.."

"I know."

"But I see Addison all the time."

She didn't say anything, just looked down.

"Do you come here a lot?"

"Not really. This is the first time since our date. You?"

I sighed. "Every week."

"Really? Why?"

"I guess I was hoping that you'd be here."


"I am so sorry," I said quickly, closing the distance between us and then taking her hands. "I spent this entire time trying to figure out what happened, and when I called the magazine, they said that they got the names mixed up. And after I ranted to them for a few minutes, they said there was nothing they could do.. Me and the boys had an interview and they asked me about it, of course. Do you know what I said?"

She shook her head slightly.

"I said that they got the names mixed up, and I only want you. No one else."

Her eyes met mine, and I could tell that she wanted so badly to believe me. "I don't know Harry. I'm sorry..." She pulled her hands away from mine, and then started to walk away.

"Why haven't you kissed her?!" Addison yelled at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Avery thinks you aren't sure you want to be with her."

"That's insane-"

"Is it?"

"Yes," I snapped.

"Bro," Niall warned.


"Why haven't you kissed her then?"

"I'm waiting for the right time."

"And when is that going to be?"

"New Years. I am going to fly her out to New York and kiss her at midnight."


"Does she really think I'm not serious about her?"

Addison nodded.

I ran after Avery to catch up to her. Once I did, I spun her around. "I want us to try again. I am very serious about this, is. Please, give me a chance."

"Let me think about it, okay?"



"If I let you think about it, you're going to convince yourself that it's a bad idea. What do you want right now?"

"You," she answered quicker than I thought she would.


She nodded.

"Then please give me another chance?"

"Okay, I will."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, already wanting New Years to be right around the corner.

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