Chapter 20

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Avery's POV

"I really miss you Avery," Harry said.

"I miss you too," I said, smiling at him through the screen. "But you're absolutely killing it on tour."

"And you know that how?"

"Twitter, and some fans that said they had traveled to the states to see you. Now that's dedication."

He laughed. "It's been fun, definitely, but it's really hard to focus on anything other than how much I miss you."

"I know, Harry. I'm the same way."

"But everything's going good for you?"

I nodded. "I've basically done nothing but worked, which is good because I need to do something to kind of distract me."

"Anything other than other guys is great."

I laughed and shook my head. "And you better be staying away from other girls."

"There's more girls in the world besides just you?"

I blushed. His flattery always made me blush and the distance between us did nothing to change that.

He laughed at my reaction. "I can't wait until I get back so I can see you."

"Yeah... Please hurry," I laughed. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my leg. "I really need to see you in person and not through a computer screen."

"Same here."

"So where are you headed next?"

He smirked.



"Ohmygodareyouserious?" I yelled.

He nodded.

"That's awesome! I actually really miss Michigan, since I haven't been there in so long."

"Avery I have some amazing- Oh, hey Harry!" Addison said.

"Hello Addison."

"Where's Niall?"

"Is that Addison? Did Addison just walk in?" I heard Niall yell, and then his face was on my screen. "Addison!"


"Geez, don't you guys talk to each other?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, we had just gotten off the phone with each other actually," he said, not even taking his eyes off of her.

"Guys, enough with the girlfriends, there's something we need to discuss about the makeup thing," Liam said.

They both groaned. "Fine."

"Say goodbye lads," Louis said, also coming onto the screen. "Bye Addison and Avery."

"Bye!" We told him.

"Bye love," Niall said, then winked and left.

"I'll give you guys a second," Addison said, and then she left, leaving just me and Harry.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you, too."

"I can't wait to see you again.."

"Me either."

"Harry!" Zayn yelled.

"Okay, fine." He sighed and looked at me. "I really do love you."

"I know you do."

He smiled and then waved, and then ended our Skype call. It's already been three months and the boys have hardly had a break, and when they do, they just stay in America because they don't have enough time to come back. Which really, really sucks. And the communication between me and Harry started out great! We'd talk almost every day of every week, and now I'm lucky if I get to talk to him three times a week. It was really starting to suck.

"So what's this amazing news?" I asked Addison as I walked into my living room. She immediately had a wide smile on her face and was practically jumping up and down.

"So you know how the boys are going to Michigan next and they're going to play at Ford Field?"

I nodded.

"Well, I talked to Paul and he said that he'd help us sneak backstage to surprise the boys!"

I almost started screaming. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah! And Paul is all for it, too, because he knows the boys are in desperate need to see their girlfriends."

"I feel like I'm going to die."

"Well you can't yet, because you and Harry need to see each other."

"Yeah we do," I sighed. "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning and then the boys have their concert two days after we get there, which means we can see our families."

"Have I ever told you that you're the greatest friend ever?"

"I already know that, love," she smiled.

I'm actually going to see Harry soon. My stomach was already hurting with excitement.

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