☢︎︎ Mɪsғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴇ | Pᴛ 2 ☢︎︎

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I gasped, my body jolting upwards in shock from whatever that was. I started coughing from the lack of breath caused by that nightmare I just had. After I managed to calm myself down, my nose began to bleed pretty heavily. "F-Fuck–" I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen to get a paper towel to try and stop the bleeding. Every inch of my body suddenly flooded with pain, causing me to curse pretty loudly. "Shit-!" I hissed, desperately clinging to the counter, I tried to keep myself steady and to not fall over. As if life didn't hate me enough, JJ walked in and immediately tried to help. "Whoa- Harry man ! Are you okay ?" He rushed over, picking me up and placing me on the counter "Here, let me help you bro" JJ grabbed a hand towel from one of the drawers and placed it on my nose to stop the bleeding, I noticed my hoodie had blood all over it too, gosh I hope I didn't get any on the couch or floor.. I'd feel fucking awful if I did. He motioned for me to hold it and I did, ugh I hate nose bleeds. JJ gave me a small smile "I'm gonna go tell the boys that you're awake, I'll be like 2 minutes okay ? Stay there" I just nodded in reply, watching him leave the kitchen area to where the other boys were, which I presume is his room as that's where we would always go. God I haven't been to their flat in.. months. I stopped going out of fear they'd not want me there or I'd let something slip and they'd be mega concerned like they were today. What if they're faking their concern ? What if they truly don't care ..? My mind flashed back to the nightmare I had, the words Jake said still circling around in my head. They felt so... real. I mean they are kinda what I think of myself.. but that's not the point. Maybe both Jake's are right... I am just worthless to the rest of the boys...
Before my thoughts could get heavier, I heard footsteps. I turned my head to see the other 6 walk into the room, oh god what was I going to tell them ?? I never thought that far, what will they ask ? Or will they just mock me for being pathetic ? Probably the latter.. I deserve it thought after everythi-
A loud voice snapped me from my thoughts, it was Ethan. I made some squeaking sound, jumping slightly at the sudden noise. "Ah– hey guys !" I tried to smile confidently but they weren't taking it. "Harry.." Ethan just sighed, everyone was just kinda.. staring at me ? What did they want ? "Uh.. is there a reason you're all huddled in the kitchen staring me down ?" My voice was hoarse and came out a lot quieter that I expected, god I sound like a scared puppy. "We just wanted to talk Bog, we've been really worried about you lately man" I gave Ethan a confused look, them ? Worried about me ?? This is new, let's see how this goes then. "Are you sure you're okay ..?" Is all I heard from Tobi before I started to panic again, what the fuck was I supposed to tell them ?? Do I tell them the truth ? My breath hitched as I struggled to get out a simple sentence. "D-Do you want h-honesty ?" I answered, stuffing my hands into my hoodie pockets to hide them, they were shaking a lot. I just looked across all the boys who gave me a nod in reply, "Of course we do Harry, it's the only way we can help." JJ was calm but it was still visibly evident he was worried about what I was going to tell them. I just took a deep breath and began. I hope this won't be too long..
"I-I'm scared you guys are going to forget about me.. well you uh.. sorta already have but that's not the point–! Anyways.. you remember what I said this morning ..? A-About not being worth it ? Yeah I'm not lying. I feel absolutely useless compared to you all, like I'm utterly worthless. You're all so smart or at least have a talent.. I don't. Then..." I swallowed the lump in my throat, his name alone makes me shudder. "J-Jake.. came along and drilled it more into my brain.. he kept telling me I was worthless and that he doesn't even know why JJ would hang around with someone like.. me." I'm trying so hard not to cry, why is this so hard ? "He uhm.. h-he also called me fat- am I that heavy ? Really ? I'd stopped eating properly awhile ago.. I thought that fixed it.. clearly not..." I heard some of them gasp and I saw Tobi open his mouth but I cut him off before he could say a word. "All this has been going on for ages.. before the Jake and Logan thing started. I stopped going out. I stopped coming to see you all cause I didn't thing you'd want me there or I'd be worth enough to be friends with you. I stopped sleeping, my thoughts are too loud and–" I paused for a few seconds, taking another deep breath and trying my best to calm myself down before I carry on. "I-I did somethings that... I-I really shouldn't h-have done.." I looked down, averting all of their gazes, instinctively my  arms hugged themselves closer to my small body. I felt tears begin to form, each word causing them to threaten to fall from my eyes. "H-Harry- you didn't.. harm y-yourself did you ..?" Vik sounded confused but very worried at the same time. All I did was nod and I could hear them all collectively gasp from shock. I felt as if I spoke anymore, I'd completely break down on them. I couldn't look them in the eyes and I could just feel the tears building up now, they're threatening to spill any second now. Suddenly there were a pair of arms around me, then another, then another until all of the 6 Sidemen had me in a group hug.

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