"You know it. I swear that kid must try to turn up late every week."

"So like you to English class then?"

"I'm still getting a better grade than you dumbass."

The two boys burst into a fit of laughter as I just stood there watching awkwardly. They lean forward slightly in their fit of laughter, allowing me a split second the read the names on their kit. The boy called Dave's reads 'Technoblade' and the others reads 'Spifey'.

What odd names.

I knew the baseball kids had nicknames they called each other, but these seem really weird. I must've spent too long staring, as both boys had stopped laughing and were glaring at me. "Not recognise the nicknames? Clearly not a party go-er" the boy nicknamed Spifey jeered. "What brings a nerd like you here anyway?"

Suddenly someone came up behind me, giving me a lighthearted elbow to the ribs. I clutched my stomach as Zak passed me, smiling with that usual smirk of his. "Hey Techno, Spif" he greeted, punching them each too. "Ah late as usual are we Skep?" Techno tapped his wrist as if pretending there was a watch on it. "Some things never change."

Zak was wearing almost the same kit as me, with his nickname 'Skeppy' in black stitching across the back of his shirt. He also wore a pair of white wrist guards, which stood out in contrast to the darker kit. They looked more like supports for when you injure your wrists, with the wrapping stretching around the hands.

It hadn't even occurred to me until then that the baseball kit was short sleeved, so Zak must have to do something to hide his wrists when playing. They were unfortunately not the sort of thing you could wear around school though, so he couldn't have used them today when he had to borrow my hoodie.

"Still wearing those wrist guards Skep? How long have your wrists been damaged for?" Zak shoots me a glance before swiftly replying "oh you know, they're sprained so bad I have to wear these for a lot longer than they thought originally."

The response wasn't fast at all. Calculated carefully, with no stutters or trembling in his voice. He was clearly experienced with this. Lying, an experienced liar. I know his wrists aren't sprained, they're scarred, so why does he lie about it?

What really happened to him to get those scars?

I don't understand what can be so bad he'd have to lie about it. If he got hurt somehow, then surely he'd just say what happened. But he's so overprotective of them, he hides and speaks of them like he's ashamed of them. He wouldn't tell me what happened.

So he lies, he lies to everyone, including me.

I already knew he didn't want me to find out about his scars, I only found out by accident. Zak was unconscious then, he couldn't stop me.

I hate liars, but somehow I can't find any disgust towards Zak in his lie towards two people who he seems to be pretty close friends with. Instead I find pity, pity and sadness that he feels the need to lie and hide the real reason behind those scars.

I'm going to change that.

"Um... earth to Darryl? Hello?" Zak is waving a hand in my face with a puzzled expression. I must've spaced out again.

I really need to stop doing that...

"Oh! Sorry I didn't hear you!" I reply nervously, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment as the two seniors stare at me. "This is Darryl. He's my friend, and he's coming to baseball practice now."

'My friend.'

"Darryl, this is Dave and George, aka Technoblade, Techno for short, and Spifey."

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