{heyy your new}

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{Y/n pov}
Around 11am still sleepy as hEll but I better play some (GOLF IT) with the boys.
I open up discord and check if anyone's up to play. y/n notices Anthony, Craig and Tyler are playing and decides to join they're discord call and also notices two unfamiliar people (kryoz and smii7y). I join there call to anthony screaming

*door slams*
I see I've arrived at the perfect timing while someone's hit Anthony off the map. Everyone continues laughing not noticing that I've joined


Craig gets knocked out of his chair surprised by my voice
Craig: f-for fucks sake y/n!

Tyler yells and they all begin laughing again.
Tyler: aHh I'm so glad you decided to join right now y/n...I don't think youve meet kryoz and smii7y yet.

Y/n knew Anthony since high school and was introduced to Craig and Tyler not too long ago.

Smii7y: you can call me Jaren it's nice to meet you.Then they're was a silence that filled the voice chat.. everyone expected kryoz to then introduce himself.

Jaren: uhh john??

Kryoz: yes he says innocently
Oh shit right I'm john haha.

Jaren: this buckos alittle slow today y/n I apologise.

John: listen here bucko that's my word bucko.

y/n: yea 🅱️ucko
John let's out a short laugh
Anthony returns letting out a large sigh and says

Anthony: well let's just start a whole new round.

y/n: are you guys recording? I don't wanna intrude.

Jaren: noo join us, we could use another player.

John: yea c'mon

Y/n: alright, you guys are going to wish I'd left, because im going to win.

Anthony: the hell you areeeee! I'll drive all the way to your house and throw your computer out the windoww motherfucker.

Craig: alright simmer down buddy we all know you would, now let's just get to the game before that happens haha.

~~few hours later~~
Everyone's waiting for john to make the last shot. He's waiting till the very last second to putt into the hole.

Tyler: HIT THE DAMN THINGG! you only have 1stroke left

John: oh I have alot more strokes left.

Jaren: AgHahaha dick jokes.

Y/n: Anthony you might need to go over to his place instead.

Silence falls then not even a second later john putts and the ball goes flying across the map. Which made a hilarious bit, he would have also beat me if he made that shot. y/n starts to laugh along with the others laughing at her dumbass sense of humor.

y/n: were gonna need to hang out more guys, these rounds were really fun!

Craig: for suree but we should all hang out tommarow. at my place?

John: you live around Craig y/n?

Y/n: fuckk no, but I live not so far from there

John: cool cool. If you need a ride I can pick you up since I know the way and all.
Friend request from Kryoz and Smii7y. y/n knew the way too but she wanted to meet up with John first, she was interested to see him in person and talk to him.

y/n: I'll send you my phone number and my address, I'm going to get off and go watch some movies and stuff.

Anthony: alright I'll see you tommarow! As for all you other motherfuckers let's play some SCRIBBLIO.

y/n: later buckos! Y/n immediately left the call, john blushes when she says his phrase.

John: a-alright boys let's get to it

Jaren: whatt your not gonna say anything when she does it. How could you treat your lover like this!

John: tough love buckoo.

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