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Has anyone had an iota of an inkling wishing Happy New Year
that this year will not bring happiness but its opposite.

DESCARTES had commented that man is the
"The master and proprietor of nature,"
Now the Nature is purging and affirming its omnipotence,
Would Descartes locked in his home following social distancing
stand by his comment?

It was day three, the grapevines growing like wildfire and
had in its content, maybe the lockdown days could extend.
Who knows? But at these catastrophic situations, one wants the comfort of one's family but being indecisive I repent heavily for
my mistake of not going back home in time.

Today while writing my assignment (Height of optimism)
I stumbled on the
definition of TRUTH which Nietzsche had given--

"Truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that they are an illusion."

And this is further extended by FOUCAULT,

"No such thing as truth exists, we consider Truth which those in power want us to perceive as truth. Truth is fabricated like the clothes we wear and discarded when shabby."

Now again, MARX gives another theory ALIENATION--

In it we find us estranged from the important events and decisions that affect our lives. Those who made decisions for us can fabricate any narrative because we don't have any means to find what happened behind the closed doors, we have left nothing but to accept it.

Can we fit "Truth and Alienation" in our world?
The mind is like a street dog wandering aimlessly and barking on the moving shadows. Can shadow exist without a body?

In the moments of this crisis, I still see the glimpse of politics
For some, it is an advantage
For some, a nightmare
Few are making profits
Few giving up everything to help others

Whatever it is, the observation of King of Brobdingnag on the human race in the GULLIVER'S TRAVELS is sempiternal--

"I cannot but conclude that the Bulk of your Natives, to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the Earth."

Good Night!

LOCKDOWN JOURNALOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora