Chapter 1

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V.I.LE island.

Swaying palm trees. Whistling ocean breeze. Exotic birds singing their sweetest tunes. It had seemed to be be a tropical resort in the Canary Islands. It almost felt like a getaway. But that wasn't even remotely true... whatsoever. This island was secret for a reason after all.

Everyone on that boat knew what they came there for. Valuable Imports, Lavish Exports! That's what people thought it stood for, but anyone on the inside; anyone on that boat had their villainous reasons for coming there, and Antonio was no different. This was an island for thieves; a place where only THE most promising candidates were allowed. They come from all over the world to improve their skills and hone their talents. To become master criminals.

Antonio leaned over the edge of the boat as the ship came to dock. He wanted to take in the view of the entire island. Colorful birds chirped loudly as they flew above his head. The palm trees swayed in the wind. Flowers and shrubs decorated the floor of the island. Antonio noticed jagged rocky mountains of in the distance, along with sandy beaches and crystal waters. The cool ocean breeze waved his silver-dyed strands of hair. He was surrounded by random strangers all inspecting the beauty of nature with similar curiosity.

"Welcome to V.I.L.E training academy for thieves: Vee Eye El Ee. Valuable Imports, Lavish Exports. We traffic goods to the four couriers of the globe. You've each been handpicked for our one-year program due to the extraordinary potential you've demonstrated. I am Coach Brunt, and these are my house rules. Rule number one: no contact with the outside world. That means no portable electronic devices allowed. And rule number two: first names only, until you get assigned your code name. Isn't that right Lambikins?"

"Lambkins? Who knew V.I.L.E had a mascot?" Said a man sitting in front of Antonio.

"Only my friends call me Lambkins," said the little girl sitting next to me, yanking the man back by his shoulders, "my code name's Black Sheep. Do you understand? NOT if you understand."

"Uh huh," chocked the man, completely scared and defenseless, clearly taken aback by the fire in this girl's eyes. The whole display was hilarious. Antonio covered his mouth but a few chuckles still escaped.

When the meeting was over, they were all assigned rooms were they'd be sleeping with the other students from their class. He looked at the large characters engraved on the key card in his hand.

Room #42

El Topo carried his things and made it over to the giant metal door frame, noticing there was a short line forming behind him. He put his key card up against the scanner to the side of the door, stepped inside and was immediately greeted by a small, brown haired girl. The same one that sat next to him earlier.

"Hi, I am Black Sheep," she introduced herself, visibly excited.

"Hola, I am Antonio," he answered.

"Jean Paul, Bonjour" responded a dark, tall man with earrings and makeup. Antonio found himself staring, but quickly returned to reality.

"Sheena," sighed a woman with blue eyes and silver-blonde hair. She looked almost like a cat.

"You." Black Sheep grunted at the last man. The same guy from Coach Brunt's assembly. She shot him daggers which made him stumble. After awkwardly apologizing for mocking her earlier. He decided to call it a truce and told her to just call him Gram.

The moment Antonio stepped into the room, he began to spin, looking at the beds, up to the walls, all the way up to the massive ceiling. This room was huge. Antonio couldn't even imagine what all this space might be needed for.

There were five other students in his room. Black Sheep, Sheena, Graham—Gram, as Antonio heard him say to Black Sheep—, Jean-Paul and one quiet kid sitting by himself at the back of the room. He seemed strange, and content with being left alone, watching them, so Antonio decided not to bother him.

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