Chapter 2

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The store owner, Jason and Kyle didn't notice the 2 boys leave the scene, Torin slowly getting up and was confused. The only thing he knew was that his mom told him to always keep his glasses on or else bad things could happen. He never really gave it a second thought and just did it out of the act of obedience. The store owner slowly stepped back into his store and quickly shut the door and the boys got up to run their separate ways, leaving Seth down on the ground still knocked out from his attack on the neck. He doesn't understand what's going on and is in a daze moment, and it doesn't register to him until he see's the store owner on the phone while looking out of his window. So Torin backs up and does the only thing left to do and that's to run, run all the way back home. "What does this all mean?" he thought as he was running back to his home, he ran faster than he ever could in his life. The mile and a half seemed like it took forever as his lungs were starting burn and his heart racing. Hearing a loud mob from a distance he turns around and see's at least 60 people with pitchforks, bats, axes, and swords in their hands. With his eyes wide, fear quickly crept in as they spot the boy on the road. Jason and Kyle points at Torin, indicating to the mob that's who has the eyes. Jason and Kyle...Torin understands that moment he was dazed was a lot longer than just a couple of minutes. They had time to run home and tell their parents and meet back on the road. Surely the store owners phone calls had a lot to do with this as well. Turning back around and running he saw their house down on the country side, the hill he was running down gained him some speed and momentum trying his best not to stumble, because time was of the essence. Finally it was a straight shot to his home about a kilometer from his house. He runs on the road, nearing the entrance of his home and bursts in. "Mom!!!" Rosie startled as she hears her son responds quickly as she runs to him "Sweetie what's wrong!?" Holding on to his shoulders as she looks up by the hillside, she hears loud rumblings, that of a mob. Torin felt the guilt, so much so that he couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face. He felt choked up, but he had to say it. "Mom..I...I'm sorry...I'm sorry mom". Looking down at Torin, Rosie gently smiles at him, kneels down and hugs him, embracing him. "It's Ok sweetie, this isn't your fault." All the more so, tears continued to fall because he knows this mob wouldn't be after him if he was more careful, if he didn't want to stay outside longer all of this he felt was his fault, but she reassures him that it isn't and that she'll him soon. But seeing the mob on the hillside, she closes the door gets her things together and tells him do the same.

Looking down at a distance on top of the hillside, Tadashi and Kade see's the mob starting to close in on the Torin's home. It was easy for them to track and keep up with Torin, compared to their speed Torin's movements was that of a snail. Another man is with them, he was 20 years of age, and 6ft tall. He was had light brown skin and brown eyes, he had a goatee and his hair was black that extended down to his shoulders. It was clear that he had Hispanic origins, due to him talking about it all of the time. He wore a complete barbarian leather armor set that completely covered his entire body with black leather armor. He had metal shoulder armor plates that stuck out 5 inches from where his actual shoulders was and wore black boots that extended a little past his shin bone. His helmet was off as he was with the 2 boys. "Felix..." Tadashi as he looked down from the hillside. "What are we going to do? I feel partly responsible for this. I mean master told us not to cause any trouble or kill anybody right? But this kid....he's one of us." Taking off the sunglasses Felix looks at them, and they look at him and do the same. All of their eyes had the shape of the X. Felix responds with a resounding, "Yes he is". Kade gives a pat on Tadashi's shoulders, "listen, I'm to blame for this as well. I mean, I didn't necessarily run for the hills back there either." Reassuring both Tadashi and Kade Felix says to them "It doesn't matter, from what you both have already told me, this was going to happen, it was inevitable. The moment they would've took his glasses off this would've happened, so don't blame yourselves hermanos." Felix carried a double headed war axe, his build wasn't anything extraordinary for him to carry the axe but somehow he was able to wield it perfectly and effortlessly. He put his helmet on gripping the base of the axe. Kade looks at Felix with a bit of a surprised look "whoa wait....what are you going to...? Felix looks back at Kade with a cold stare. "We're going to save him. We do what we need to in order to save our own, even if it means killing those who oppose us." Tadashi quickly intervenes "but master told us not to..." Felix abruptly interrupts Tadashi "Master is not here!!! Would you want the alternative and wait for these savages to take an hermanos life!? Killing is necessary when you have to protect something you care about. We're not doing this because we want to kill, we're doing it because we have too!: Felix turns and looks at the mob as they get closer to the house. "How many times have we seen this scene? Doesn't it always end the same?" Turning towards the both them with a glare " You two should know what I'm talking about better than anybody else." Shame and regret befell them both as they looked away with their eyes down. Similar cases like this happens when the people in cities, villages and towns realize there is someone that is cursed in their midst. Kade, Tadashi and Felix are no strangers to this horrible truth, they also realize in the cold world it's kill or be killed. Turning back around he grips the axe in his hand ready for battle. Kade in a swift move unsheathes his silver sword. Felix looks at Tadashi as he gets his bow and smirks at him "As second in command, I'm giving you permission to use more than just the 10" Turning around, Felix runs down the hillside at top speed and Kade follows his trail. What Felix was referring too was the arrows Tadashi carried. Initially he only carries 10 in order not to overload himself when he travels. But turning towards the tree by the hillside he see's 3 quivers each holding 80 arrows. Tadashi feeling irritated "do you really think I'm going to need that many to do what I need to? Who do you think I am Felix?" Grabbing one of the arrows he spins it in his hand 3 times then aims it with his bow pulling the string back. He closes one eye keeping his aim fixed on his targets.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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