Pernille's focus continued to be held by Magda until the end of practice.

"Ready P?"

"Uh... yeah...yeah," says Pernille, shaking out of Magda's spell.

Looking down at her notebook, Pernille had taken zero notes, evidently too mesmerized while gawking at Magda. Sliding everything into her backpack, Pernille pops up onto her good leg and Magda automatically reaches down to pick up her crutches for her.



"So did you get any good notes?" Magda starts as they head back to their dorm room.

"Yeah, yeah... great," Pernille lies.

Reentering the dorm room, Pernille plops down onto her bed and pulls her laptop on her thighs. Pretending to browse, Pernille was really just trying to avoid staring at Magda, gathering her clothes and about to shower.


Steam fills the top of the dorm room as Magda exits the bathroom, and a gust of fresh soap and shampoo hits Pernille's nose. It makes Pernille bite down on her lip, eyes trailing Magda's wet hair and neck flush from the hot water. Thankfully, Magda was fully dressed, otherwise, Pernile might have been caught drooling.

"Hey, I was going to stop by the bookstore after class, need anything?" Magdalena offers while throwing her backpack over her left shoulder.

"Mm, no, not that I can think of."

"Okay, well, text me if you change your mind," says Magda, stepping out the door.

"Oh wait, Magda!"

Magdalena turns.

"I um... don't think I have your number?"

"Oh, right."

Pernille pulls out her phone as Magda spouts out seven digits and sends Magda a text with her name and soccer ball emoji. She watches a grin emerge Magda's face, maybe she was smiling at the emoji.

"See ya after class."

"I'll be here..." Pernille trails.


Pernille looks up as Magda gets back from class with a few blank canvases and several sized drawing pads under her arm, undoubtedly from the bookstore.

"Hey, how was class?"

"Fine," says Magda with an eager smile.

"What are you watching?"

"Uh," Pernille was hesitant, she wasn't geeking out on space, but her other passion, soccer, with videos of her favorite plays from the World Cup pulled up.

And before Pernille could respond, Magda wanders over and sees the grass filled screen at pause.

"What game are you watching?"

"Oh, it's... an old game-"

Magda leans further over for a better look.

"1999 World Cup, Final," Magda instantly recognized the game, "That was a hell of a game."

Pernille smiles, initially timid of Magda passing judgment, but instead, shared Pernille's enthusiasm.

"Yeah," Pernille nods, "It was like clockwork. Um, wanna watch the rest with me?"

Pernille watches as Magda's eyes gleam for a split second.

"Sure," Magda replies.

Feeling Magda scoot up and alongside, Pernille shifts the laptop to rest on both their thighs, similar to what they had done all Saturday night and Sunday, with legs and shoulders softly brushing.

It wasn't awkward since this was how they spent their weekend. Though, as time passed, it wasn't exactly comfortable either. Pernille was beginning to resist the urge to place her arm behind Magda. It was weird; Pernille had never felt like this, unable to act on her thoughts and feelings. Somehow hindered.

Back in high school, if she wanted to put her arm around a girl, she'd put her arm around a girl. But her relationship with Magda was different, and Pernille didn't know where their boundaries existed. Classmates. Teammates. Roommates. They were all three, but, mostly friendship? Pernille felt... confused, unsure of what she wanted to do.

Determined to define everything and place into a neat box, Pernille crosses her arms, stuck analyzing the space between her and Magda and paying little heed to the game she'd seen tens of times.


Unlike the girl sitting next to her, Magda rarely overanalyzed and typically acted on instinct. Sometimes for the better, other times for the worst, but mostly for the better. This time, the idea of putting her arm around Pernille seemed right. She just wanted Pernille a little bit closer. Magda wanted to revisit the night when Pernille had her head on her shoulder. Want to feel the weight of Pernille against her.

Slowly, but surely, Magda pinches her right arm across, between the wall and Pernille's lower back, feeling the blondes warmth radiate through. Magda watches closely as Pernille turns her attention.

"Is this... alright?" Magda asks softly.

It was difficult to read Pernille's expression. She didn't look mad or offended, but a predominant blank stare that had Magda guessing, waiting with uncertainty.

Finally, blue irises with large round pupils give Magda a blink of consent and Magda feels Pernille shift closer, rotating her body slightly for a snugger fit and leaning in to place her head on Magda's shoulder.

After a few minutes, Magda registers the sensation of Pernille's arm run gently across her stomach.

Pernille looks up, "Is this, alright?"

Both testing the waters, ambivalent, yet actions compelled.

Looking down, Magda nods at Pernille and tightens her grip around the blonde.

Pernille wakes with a deep inhale filled with a floral and sweet scent, which was becoming more familiar. Sluggishly opening her eyes, she's definitely in her bed, but something is different...

Peering up, she's curled up against Magda with her right arm draped across the blonde's stomach. Magda is asleep as well. Pernille can't recall how she's horizontal, remembering their upright position, back against the wall while watching soccer. She must have fallen asleep and maybe Magda had laid them down? Shifting and reaching for her pocketed the phone, Pernille hears Magda mumble at her movements.

Checking the time, it's 12:30 pm. She has a class in half an hour. Well, they both have class in half an hour.

Propping herself up on her elbow, "Magda?"


"Mags," Pernille says a little louder, rubbing the blonde's shoulder.

"Mm, what?"

"C'mon, get up, we have class."

Magda groans, but moves to lean up, "What time is it?"


"Shit, we were asleep for almost two hours?"

"I guess," Pernille shrugs with a small smile, "I don't remember falling asleep."

Magda nods, now sitting fully upright, "Yeah... you passed out like two minutes after I hit play," stretching, "So I just turned it off and I guess I... fell asleep too."

Neither addressed it, but essentially had the best mid-morning nap together. They look at each other with small, somewhat guilty grins, like they had gotten away with something. It paralleled the feeling of sneaking out of the house at night or letting someone in through the window when your parents are asleep.

"C'mon," says Pernille while sliding off the bed, "We should get going. Class is across campus and will probably take me twenty minutes to get there."

Gathering their book bags, they proceed to class together, Magda walking patiently alongside Pernille.

Pernille Harder & Magdalena ErikssonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ