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"Power"...That word is unique in it's entirety because by ones means of possessing it they gain a great deal of attributes grounded within an internal and/or external nature. Naturally, by ones means of motives and resources they would do anything to get it....depending on the circumstance. However there are those who have it, but wish they never had it to begin with. Cursed through an ability they have no control over nor did they ask for, something born with them, and it's something that sets them apart from the rest of society. Long ago, there bore certain individuals who had power, their pupils were that of an "X" shape, but this power is also a curse to the wielder. The more they kill the stronger they become, bound to have power these cursed individuals waged war against civilians, slaughtering as many as they could in order to quickly gain strength by any means necessary. War broke out in many nations, those cursed with power lost and were exterminated. Due to their foolishness and selfishness the nations eventually passed a law resulting in the execution of anyone bearing those eyes. This is the story of one who bears those eyes....

80 Years later....

"Come on man! We're going to be late for your wedding" a chubby guy with blonde hair said to his best friend while drawing on his sketch pad. "William, I know already, if you have time to draw, you can at least help me out with my tie." William sighing as he gets up, he walks over to his friend. "Brad, I don't even know what you'll do without me". Brad was a slender build, middle aged man around his late 30's, black hair, blue eyes and light skinned. He had freckles on his nose, it stood out like a sore thumb and made it look like he had a permanent mosquito bite on It the way the freckles connected. Wearing a burgundy suit, black suede shoes and a blue tie, William kindly looped the tie in professional fashion and tugged at it. "Are you nervous?" William asked Brad. "Do you really have to ask?" Brad responded sarcastically. "Just relax man, it'll be Ok. By the way, that reminds me, when is Rosie due to have your child?" William asked. "In about another week, I have to get things prepped now though, we've held off on our marriage long enough and I promised her before our first child was born she would've already been my wife." Brad said as he was adjusting his tie while looking in the mirror. Picking up his sketch pad and heading over to the door, William lifted his head while looking at Brad like he just got the idea "Ah, I see. Well get a move on it, this wedding will be the least of your worries." Quickly leaving the room, they saw the scenery in the hall, mahogany walls and paintings extending from the window on the back wall all the way to the front door.

They had just rented this place for the wedding reception, whoever owned this place was big in paintings, but that didn't matter right now. The only thing that mattered was getting to Rosie. Finally, he opened the door and went outside to wait for his bride to be...Rosie. He was standing in the middle of the podium, his best man beside him and then the door slowly opened Brad's heart pounded as it opened further. What he saw left him speechless, his wife... she was adorned in a white dress, her hair brown extending to the midway point of her back, she had green eyes and had brown skin and two small earring loops in both of her ears. As she walked up to the platform, she smiled at him and he gleamed at her. Her father was beside her, he was blind old man, mid 60's who always wore a blind fold. He always carried a black cane with him to guide him and it curved at the top, but Rosie had her arm around his for additional support. The moment was here, Brad and Rosie stared at each other. It's as if the world stood still. "You make sure you protect my daughter, you hear lad?" The old man said with a grin on his face as he stepped back from Rosie's support. "You got it old man" Brad grinning at the old geezer, they had a respectable bond, and although Brad never knew much about him, he felt he can trust him. As they exchanged their marriage vows, and said "I do", the moment they kissed the door blew open with an explosion. Military soldiers dressed in black combat gear swarmed the wedding and they had SMG's in their hands with a red dot scope on the sensor, aimed down the sights at everyone at the reception. "We've got reports of an individual carrying "the curse", hand him over, if you cooperate no one will get injured." One of the military soldiers said as he had a document. Brad shielding Rosie behind him from protection of the guns, spoke out against them. "How Dare You!!! You come here and make false accusations, where is your proof about this source!?" The military commander stepped out from the rest of the soldiers with the document and said boldly "Because our source is a trusted one who doesn't lie". Rosie's father, the old geezer rose up from his seat. "Father?" Rosie called out as the old man unwrapped the blind fold covering his eyes, when he opened them there it was. In both pupils they were "X" shaped. The military soldiers quickly diverted their attention from the civilians and pointed their weapons at the old man. Most of the people at the wedding reception were afraid, they were yelling and screaming, but some of them didn't even move. As if they already knew the truth. The old man rose his cane horizontally in front of him gripping the cane near the middle. Taking his other hand he pulled the other end of the cane revealing a long sword. Although it was thin it was thick enough to withstand standard sword blows while maintaining form. The sword was hidden within the cane, Brad looked at the old man stunned at what he was seeing. "Father Don't, You Mustn't!!!!" Rosie yelled as she tried to lunge at him. Brad snapping out of his stunned state, (half concerned for his wife, the other half fear for what his father in law might do to his daughter) hurried and grabbed his wife holding her back. The old man's back was toward Brad and Rosie, he turned at them and looked at Brad "you take care of my daughter lad" he said as he turned back around. The military commander looked at the old man with the X pupil eyes, then looked at the woman behind him. He noticed the woman had a pudge in her belly. "Father and daughter hmmm?" He thought, with the realization with what he needed to do next. "Exterminate the old man with the well as the woman in the white dress" Brad's heart had stopped "what did he say?" He thought. "Lad!!!" Brad once again snapped out of it. "Take my daughter far away from here, GO!!!"

The commander raising his hand, Brad wasted no time, he picked up Rosie and ran in the opposite direction. Right at that moment shots were fired. Rosie was struggling, yelling for her father, but this was ridiculous, we couldn't get very far in this field he thought as he looked back and his eyes widened. "What the...." The bullets were ricocheting off of his sword, and his sword looked like an airplane propeller the way he spun it. "Is he deflecting bullets!?" almost stumbling on the hill they were running down he had to pay attention. What he knew was that was impossible. Seeing a cabin a half a mile along he hurries. He starts to slow down as Rosie's faced is soaked with tears as she covers her face. "Let me down, I can walk myself, she said. "No..." he said as his arms were getting heavy, she looked at him, wiped the tears from her face and forced her way down. They were already at the cabin anyway, so it didn't really make a difference. As they went inside they gathered supplies, but then heard some footsteps, people were yelling, who were they? "They went this way, over by the cabin!!!" He looked out the window, it was the the friends from the wedding, but the look on their faces told it all, they weren't coming to help. They were coming to carry out the orders the military commander told his troops, they were coming to try to get rid of another person with the curse. While it's true Rosie herself doesn't have it, her father does, and his blood runs in her veins as well as in her child's. To stop a potential child from being born with those eyes they have to nip the problem in the bud and get rid of it. William was rallying them, "darn it" Brad said as he looked at Rosie and she looked at him worried. Friendship and family didn't mean anything at this point, when it comes to the curse family will sacrifice family to get it purged. Words mean nothing to them at this point. He knew they both wouldn't be able to make it out of here alive, with the amount of people, her condition and the distance they were from them, someone had to be a decoy. He turned to her "Honey, you go on ahead I'll meet with you in a little bit, don't argue. Please, we don't have time." Rosie lifted her eyes strong willed "Ok" she said. She gave him a long kiss, and managing her way, Brad turned the stove on and waited as he heard the rallying get louder and louder. "There He IS!!!!" All of them gestured at Brad and as they burst through the door knives, bats, and various weapons in their hands, Brad lit a match. Rosie was only a couple of hundred of feet from the cabin when she heard a loud explosion coming from the cabin, turning around she knew by the kiss she gave him, and when he chose to stay back, that it would be their last. She wept for the man she loved, as she looked down at her belly, her soon to be son, their legacy.

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