Episode 2, Chapter 1: Dawn of a new day

Start from the beginning


"Heh! Hey kitty! Fun dream we havin' eh?"

"Fuck you talking about?"

Angel points at Husk's boner,



Without warning Husk throws up his blanket over to Angel, covering his peripheral vision, before he knew it Husk was behind him, arms wrapped around him,

"Husk! Oh my, you must be really pent up~ don't worry, i'll try to fill your Al Fan- woah wait what the fuck?!"

Suddenly Husk lifts him, Angel get's turnt over and slams into the ground with a loud THUNK! Husk is now awake, not necessarily happy about it, but he's awake. Angel remains on the ground, a good amount of air knocked out of him,

"They made pancakes downstairs." Angel said, voice a little squeaky.

"Thank you, and fuck you." Husk says while flipping him a bird and giving him a thumbs up at the same time.

"No prob bob."

Before Husk walks out of his room he checks his meat, yep, erection killed. He now has 3 things to be happy about today, pancakes for starters, the fact that he can get it up at all, and he doesn't have to walk into the dining area rockin' out with his cock out, he wanders his way to the dining room to see everyone at the table. (excluding Angel at the moment cause he's still recovering from that german suplex) Husk walks over to a seat near Alastor and Niffty, a plate of soft and pillowy, fluffy, and sweet pancakes drenched in maple syrup with a small pat of butter awaits him. Husk takes a seat with them and starts eating, Niffty tells Husk,

"I have been in Hell somewhere around 70 years, and I have never seen a man consume that much gumbo, and not throw up."

"What? You complainin'"

"No i'm not, i'm just saying, that's pretty dang impressive."

"And concerning afterwards..." Alastor says.

"If I ate that much food I would've exploded." Charlie says

"Speaking of food, where's Angel?" Vaggie asks

"Oh yeah, I-"

"Fucking Hell Husk my fucking back hurts! Where the fuck did you learn that shit?!" Angel yells while entering the room

"Over there apparently." Husk says.

Angel walks over to Charlie and Vaggie and sits next to them, continuing on a plate of pancakes he left behind to go get Husk,

"Wait you said you're back hurts, what happened, are you ok?" Charlie says

"Sorta belly flopped on Husk in the middle of a pleasant lookin' dream he was havin', pissed him off a little, and went full on WWE on my ass."

Charlie leans over to Vaggie and whispers, "What's WWE?"

"Wrestling honey." Vaggie answers Charlie

"Oh, thank you." Charlie says and they both listen in on the conversation

"Anyways, that was fucking awesome, where the fuck did you learn it?"

"Not important, and besides I can do way more than just grappling." Husk unintentionally boasts

Angel stares at Husk with a glint in his eyes,

"Details, now."

"God damn Angel how much fucking information are ya gonna squeeze out of me!"

"Well I am kinda curious too." Niffty says

"It is rather odd how you obtain that much skill in combat in such a short amount of time Husker." Alastor says

"Wait you don't know either?!"Angel asks suprised

"Nope! At some point Husk just out of the blue starts training, and for some random reason he can suddenly kick a lot of butt with his bear hands." Niffty says

"Well I just started working out and shit." Husk says defensively

"Husker, 3 months of training doesn't give you that much fighting skill instantaneously, not to mention you done it all at home." Alastor retorts

"That fast?!" Angel says

"C'mon I wanna know too!" Niffty says

"C'mon Husky! Spill the beans!"

"I just worked out a bit and trained, nothing else."

Alastor walks over to Husk and puts a hand on his shoulder,

"It's fine that you wish to keep secrets Husker, but I am mighty curious, if it wouldn't be so much trouble, would you share your secret to us? Come on, I ask as a friend."

Husk looks away at him and looks back at Al, he was smiling cutely at him, after a few seconds of trying to resist he breaks, he can't resist that face of his,

"Alright! Fine! The story of the time I learnt to fight."

"Fuck yeah!" Angel says

"Ok so... Hey Niff, remember when Alastor bought that game station thing for you as a gift and you showed me that one game about the Japanese Mafia."

"I bought it off some gentleman whom was selling items from top side."

"Oh yeah, the Playstation! Yakuza! I shipped Kiryu and Majima a lot, still do."

"Still don't know the fuck shipping is, anyways, remember that time you recommended it to me and I enjoyed it a lot?"

"Yeah, you played till 5:00."

"As I kept on playing, that Kiryu guy kinda inspired me to learn me how to fight properly, so I kinda... copied all his moves..." Husk says shyly

Alastor just looks at Husk impressed, while Niffty and Angel stare at Husk dumbfounded,

"A fucking video game is where you got your sick ass moves?!" Angel says

"Oh my god, your basically Kiryu, but American... and a cat with wings... and a raging alcoholic... and-" Niff drones on

"Yeah kid I get it."

"The entertainment box inspired your combat prowess, i guess technology in these times DO serve a beneficial purpose most of the time!"

"That's actually pretty fucking cool, teach me that shit sometime kitty!"

"Hey Niff, ya still have that 'Yakuza' game and the console?"


"Alright Angel, lemme give you some learning materials."


Notes: I feel pretty Ok with this entry, iunno if having Husk have his way of fighting come from a video game was the right call but fuck it, I wrote it anyway, thank ya for you're time!

Word count: 1495

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