New friends?

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Johnny POV
After 30 minutes of Mackenzie getting teased we finally left and let's just say be being happy is an understatement "that was the worst" Mackenzie leaned next to me on the counter "I was a literal mess" she sighed "you were you and it was great to see you happy and smile" I smiled and she blushed "you really need to get that under control" I said and she flipped me off "up yes I can definitely just control when my cheeks explode with color" she sarcastically commented "anyways don't you have friends to get to" she asked and I nodded "I think I'd rather cancel" he said

"plus I'd be loosing romantic time with you since the stupid hospital won't let us have relationships" I groaned "we have 5 more days. One night isn't going to kill you. Go have fun with your girl friends and Nadia" she smirked walking away "well. Nice to meet you" MaddieZ and Jacob said "but remember. That's my twin a built in buddy. So if you hurt her you hurt me and I don't like to be hurt so I will try my hardest to strangle you" he said in a very playful voice but in his eyes he wasn't joking "well bye" Maddie said in a perky voice trying to act normal for everyone "Madison stop threatening the poor boy . go get in the car" their mom said and they just smiled

"Your girlfriend is.....something" Maddie said "dude just leave her alone" i said "she literally flipped out like 30 minutes ago" Lauren said  "she was upset. You act like you aren't the biggest baby" I snapped "you've become mean lately" my mom said "it won't be your problem soon" I retorted "can I just get the keys" I ask and she hand me them as I dismiss myself "are you sure you don't want a picture" all her siblings asked and she nodded "you turning down a picture what a rare occurrence" I said smirking and she gave me a weak laugh "what's wrong" I questioned

"I messed up all of today. I let my emotions towards my mom get the best of me and I don't know what to do" she said try not to cry but failed "you let it out. It's better out than in" I said hugging her "there is just so much anger towards me from her and I know she's going to say it all today I can tell" she said "hey it's ok. You're a strong girl you can handle it" I said opening up my arms to give her a hug "if I give you a hug I won't let go so I'd rather you get in the car" she said "how about I show you around tonight. We go on that date we were talking about" I suggested

"You're having friends over go live you social life and leave me to be antisocial" She said "Johnny let's go" my mom yelled as she pointed her car "I'll see you tonight I promise" I smiled "don't make promises you can't keep" she said "like I said I promise I'll see you tonight" I said chuckling and she just nodded. "What were you two talking about" my mom asked "nothing much. We just had a normal conversation about random stuff" I lied throwing her the keys "was it sexual" she asked "ew. No. Why would I sex talk her around people" I asked "idk" she replied

"I'm going to ask you a series of questions" my mom said and I just threw may hands up knowing they are about Mackenzie "how did y'all meet" she asked "what is this an interrogation" I asked "just answer" she said "I'm class" I said and she looked disappointed by my answer "there's not a whole romantic story I sat by her then we hung out for the day. It's nothing too deep" I explained "how long have you been dating" She asked "like 2 days" I chuckled at her face "just two days" Lauren asked "yes just two days" I snapped "have you guys had sex" Maddie asked "NO" I screeched and they laughed

"Why do you need to know about my personal life" I asked "she seems very different from what you usually would date. She's more outgoing and self-reserved. I'm scared that going to rub off on you" she sighed "she's never really loud. You just caught her in a bad day. But she likes to keep her family and feelings closed and I think it's nice because hearing people cry all the time sucks" I defended "she's super nice and kind when you get to know her. She's funny too but definitely on accident" I explained "that's nice" she said "so who's coming over" she asked "oh um. Emily,lilia,and Nadia" I said and she looked confused

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