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Kenzie POV
"Who's that girl" I asked "oh that's one of my sisters. She is like super protective and it's annoying" he said putting his phone in his pocket "this might be personal but can we got to your room" I asked him looking down "sure" he said not hesitating "wait what" I said confused "it's not like there's anything in there that you can't see" he said standing up and sticking out his hand "we aren't supposed to be binding hands" I said "well that's sucks. How else am I supposed to say I like you" he said smirking and pulling me up "by saying you like me" I said "ok" he said letting me go and walking ahead of me.

"So welcome to the Johnny Orlando dungeon" he said opening the door to an empty room with a bunch of boxes "you haven't done anything" I said sitting on a bed spring "I literally got here like an hour ago" he said I'm defense "let's unpack" I said opening a box of clothes "are you serious" he asked "I like decorating and we have time to kill" I said pulling out a oversized hoodie with roses up and down the sleeves. I throw I on the bed and looks at me confused "I can hang it up you know" he said "that's my keep pile" I said smiling "so you go though my clothes and find what you like" he questioned smirking "pretty much" I said pulling out a whole bunch of shirts "ok" he said grabbing clothes

"All students who did not have appointments today please come to the hospital lobby" we heard "they're going to make us do some hunt" I said rolling my eyes "I thought putting together my room was boring" he said throwing a box "hey calm down. It's just a one time thing" I said smiling at him "whatever" he said which caused me to sigh.

"Hey Kenz we are just eating nothing special" asher said as I got outside "oh ok" I said thanking him and walking away. As I go find a table I sit down in the back alone like usual and just play around with my food. We are in a hospital the food is trash but edible. "Are you Mad at me" I heard someone say from behind me "huh" I said turning around to see Johnny standing there with a lunch tray "can I sit" he asked "oh um sure" I said confused "is something wrong" he asked "no it's um. There are like more popular kids at lunch" I said and he just chuckled "Mackenzie I don't really want to be friends with any of those people" he said scoping to the next seat

"So we're friends" I asked him "for now" he said still scooting over "are you mad at me or something" he asked continue getting closer "no" I said getting nervous "are you sure. You seemed pissed" he said sitting right next to be "you upset me but it's ok" I said brushing it off "I got angry I'm sorry. I push people away when I'm mad" he said pushing my legs apart so the matched his "no it's fine really. I don't mind" I said brushing things off as he put my legs on top of his and he was only a few inches away from my face "can I draw something on your hand" he asked pulling out a skinny sharpie "oh sure" I said confused.

"Oh you must be new" a person said from behind Johnny "oh I've been here-" I started but then she shot me a glare to shut up and go away "hey um I'm going to be right back I have to get something from your room" I told him standing up "I didn't finish my drawing" he said looking in to my wyes "you can finish later. I'll see you later" I said grabbing my bag "you said be right back" he said "I have stuff to get done sorry" I said looking up to the girl and leaving.

As I walk through the hospital I see my siblings walking towards me "hey Kenz. Don't you have lunch right now" Hayden asked "oh um I'm busy" I said "are you ok" he asked "yeah. I just don't feel too hot" I said walking away and towards Johnnys room. Once I reach his door I see it's locked. I really don't feel like walking all the way to my room so I will have to lay down in here. As I try to open the door I remember we each have passcodes and I don't know his.

"I wrote it on your hand" I heard someone say as I was sitting on the floor next to his door "what" I said "my room code is on your hand like 300 times" he said chuckling "oh ok" I said standing up and putting numbers until it unlocked. I just stared at the door until I felt someone shove me in the room and close the door. "So why did you leave" he asked as he sat down on his bed "I just had stuff to do nothing special" I said shrugging "that girl was talking about you" he said shrugging "probably" I said sighing "She said you are like the nerd of the hospital" he said " wow" I said acting shocked throwing up jazz hands

"I don't like her" he said "she was being a bitch" he said "that sucks" I said shrugging "anyways. Can I finish what I was doing" he asked holding up a sharpie "sure" I said resting my head on his shoulder "are you tired" he asked "yeah. I don't get much sleep"I said to him "if you want you can sleep here" he said "I wouldn't want to intrude with anything your doing" I explained "nah your all good" he said stopping what he was doing and got up "you lay down I'll be back" he said opening his door "oh ok" I said laying down and instantly falling asleep

Mental love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ