Royal & Rebellious (Constance and Hapi)

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Now we move on to the two girls from the Ashen Wolves, I adore both of them!


The next morning arrived and it was apparently shopping day since most of the stuff we got for our beach houses were running low. And guess who got selected to carry out most of the shopping? Hooray for voluntary work that I didn't even ask for.

"Alright, Y/N, here's the list of what we need." Catherine said. "Make sure to get all of them before lunch time."

"And if you need to make any deals, Anna is on standby at her merchant stall." Shamir added. "Also, you should ask two of the girls to help you out, just in case."

"Then if he is willing to accept, allow the two of us to accompany this gracious man." Constance volunteered who was in her anti-shade mood.

"We'll carry the light ones, Coco." Hapi said. "Protagonist can carry the heavy stuff."

I was confused by what she said. "Huh? Whose protagonist?"

"You, dummy."

"You know, for a girl named Hapi, you sure don't act like you're-"

She suddenly glared at me. "If you finish that sentence, I'll cast a fireball up your ass!"

"Dah! Uh duly noted!" I saluted before running ahead. "Let's go right away!"

"Please hold on and wait for us, Y/N!" Constance called.


Hilda laughed as she watched the whole event.

"Hapi's just jealous that she hasn't gotten with him yet." She said. "Looks like Constance wants a chance as well, now that I've told them. But as for Y/N, I'll tell him once he's had his moment with the both of them."


I was at the merchant stalls with the two girls and Hapi had eventually calmed down whilst Constance was still just the same. Often changing her personality whenever we were outside or in one of the stores, I bet that would get frustrating for her at some point.

"If I may ask, have we finished achieving our task?" Constance asked.

"Hm, that actually rhymed." I replied. "Uh I mean, I think we got what we needed."

"Yeah, that should be everything." Hapi said. "Now all that's left is to take them back to the beach houses."

"I'll be carrying the heavy stuff I assume?"

"Yeah, here take these." She handed me two large paper bags that were filled with a lot of stuff.

"Ooof! I have a feeling that I'm gonna have to be careful walking back with this."

"Forgive us for transferring the burden over to you, Y/N." Constance said. "But this may be for the best, considering how fragile and uninspiring I am."

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get on with taking this stuff home." Hapi responded. "Then afterwards, we might ask you for another favor."

Another favor, huh? I could only make a guess on what it would be.

*Time skip, brought to you by a chibi Hilda being lazy.*

We were back at the beach houses and with Shamir checking over the shopping, the other students gathered around and got what they needed. It was then to the surprise of someone that there wasn't anything I wanted, which got Mercedes's attention first.

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