Belikov's P.O.V.

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“What is taking them so long? They should have been back thirty minutes ago,” Josh wined once again.

I let out a huge sigh. “Josh, we got the message twenty times go. You don’t have to keep it up. We get it.”

Ignoring me, probably, Josh let out a huge frustrated sigh again… for the twentieth time. “They need to come on. I’m so hungry right now; I could eat a freaking zoo!”

Rolling my eyes, I stood. “Look, if I go check up on them and see what’s going on, will you shut the crap up?”

Josh grinned, completely putting away the frustrated façade. “’Course, mate.”

Pivoting, I made my way over to the door, my facial expressions blank. As much as I was getting tired of Josh’s voice, I really was worried about the missing duo. Particularly because of the way I’d seen Jesse look at my Nikki right before they left.

Recalling the image, I sped up to her door. I tried the knob. Locked.

This of course didn’t stop me. On the side of the door was a button that unlocked the door. It was hidden, of course, and only Jesse and I knew such button’s existed.

“Jesse? Nikita?” I asked poking my head in hesitantly. “Hello?”


Stepping in, I propped the door open as I looked around, letting my eyes readjust to the dim lighting…

… And had to do a double take at the sight on the bed. Shocked, I came closer to the bed. A few seconds later, Josh came in.

“Hey, mate, what’s taking so-” he stopped mid-sentence when seeing the sight Nikita had left behind. He glanced about the room and caught sight of Nikita’s sparkling gown.

Coming closer, he looked at the tears. “Well,” he said, aloud. “At least we know why.” He brought the torn fabric to me.

When I saw it, I knew my eyes darkened as I shook with anger. “He better be glad I didn’t get to him first.” I turned from the body, looking around to see how she’d escaped.

I glanced up at the ceiling for a second, and the second I did goose bumps coated my skin. I looked down at the chair in the floor and saw it sat directly beneath the board.

“Josh,” I said my voice quiet. “Get the others and send out a warning to the guards outside. I think I know where she’s headed. Tell them to find her, but do not hurt her. Bring her to me.”

Josh followed my gaze up to the vents and let loose a curse before rushing out the door and down the hall.

I stood there for a second, staring up at the ceiling. “Nikita, you should not have tried that way.” I muttered, running my fingers through my hair. “You better pray you make it past Death.” 

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