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   "One down," I murmured. "A lot more to go." I slipped the blade back into my hidden dress pocket.

   An alarm went off somewhere in the hall, and I rushed out before anyone could open their doors. The halls were beginning to flood with guards when I locked my door back form the inside.

   I rushed into the bathroom, undressing. Turning on the bathwater to fill the tub, I put the knife in the sink. When the water was warm enough, I cut it off. Before I got in, I undid the pipe under the sink and hid the blade there. Then, I got into the tub.

   I was halfway dressed, with only a pair of black shorts and a black bra on, when my door was busted down. Getting into the innocent character act, I screamed.

   Quickly, I threw on a red tank top. My hair was down from its bun and trailed down to a point at my lower back. I still had a forehead bang. It seemed like the whole army of agents were crowding into my room, Belikov in the lead.

   I frowned. "What the crap are you guys trying to do, give me a heart attack?" I scolded with my hands on my hips.

   No one answered me, they just stood staring at me, barely blinking it seemed.

   "Belikov, somebody, tell me, why is my door on the floor?" I asked. I searched their faces for an answer, but got nothing out of them. "What is going on? Where's Jesse?" I asked since I didn't see him anywhere.

   Suddenly, a path opened in the middle of the guards, leading to me. A second later, Jesse emerged from the path, coming up to the lead.

   "Jesse," I said, my voice questioning. "What's going on?"

   Jesse stood in front of me, gazing into my eyes worriedly. He took my hands. "One of our men have been killed, but there are no witnesses, only the alarm that tells us when someone is dying."

   My eyes widened. "Does anyone know who would have done it?" I asked, glancing up at Belikov before returning my gaze to Jesse's, sounding worried.

   Jesse hesitated. "Yes, Princess. Unfortunately though, everyone seems to think it to be you."

   I gasped, dropping his hands, and met every one of the guys gazes before returning to Jesse's, searching for an answer in his eyes.

   "But it wasn't me. How could it be when I've been in here, locked up? I just got out of the bath!" I said. I shook my head. "I didn't do anything!"

   Jesse's eyes softened and so did his voice. "I know but... the accusations are still there. We found a picture of you from when they first found you on his bed... along with his body."

   I crossed my arms and pouted a little. "That doesn't mean I did it. It just shows that for some unknown reason, he's infatuated with me. I mean, I don't even know how he died."

   Jesse sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "He was... stabbed in his stomach. The mark says it was done with a blade, but we've yet to find it."

   I tapped my foot against the floor for a second before sitting. "And you think it's in here because you, along with everyone else, believe it was me that killed him. Go ahead. Search. I've nothing to hide....well, except my underwear drawer. That is personal and I will only allow Belikov to go through it in the search." I crossed my arms.

   Jesse took a deep breath. "I do not believe it was you-" Humph, I said. He went on. "But while they search, we've decided to give you a new room. It's right beside mine, and I think you'll like it better than this one. I figured that a princess should be treated like a princess."

   I smirked and stood, irritated. "First of all, King Jesse it's Queen Nikita, not Princess. anymore. Remember. And secondly, what about my clothes. I want to keep them, and the gowns too."

   "Okay, no more titles. And yes, you do get to keep your clothes and gowns." He held out his hand. "Follow me?"

   I took his hand. "Like I have a choice." I muttered under my breath. "Let's go then," I said aloud. Just as we were halfway through the door, I stopped and glanced back. "Comrade back there will still be my guardian, right?" I asked Jesse and kind of Dmitri too. When I looked back at him, he was trying to hide a smile.

   Jesse frowned a little, trying to figure out why I still wanted him around perhaps, but nodded. "As long as you want him to be."

   Smiling, I met Belikov's gaze. "Great. I'll see you back at the room in 15." he nodded.

   Jesse led me out. As we walked down the tunnel, I was very conscious of the fact that Jesse was still holding my hand.

   "You must love the touch of me, Jesse." I said. When looked at me questioningly, I fully clarified. "Well, I must say that you skin is very soft and you hand is comfortable, but we've already left them yet it seems that you don't want to let go."

   Jesse just smiled, blushing a little, but didn't let go. "I'm afraid you're right. Before we were enemies, there were rumors of you, your beauty, your melodic voice, you incredible skills... You are a living legend, even to my parents you were." He chuckled. "After hearing about you and your parents, a lot of agents didn't want to go up against you three for fear you'd come after them. The ones who did were just looking for a challenge and they saw you as one."

   I grinned and thought back to what I'd did a few minutes ago. I'd just gotten away with the murder of one of the agents, and no one knew I'd done it. For now, it'd just be chaos, but other than that, I'd be in the clear. But there was still so many more guards to go. When I finished here at the headquarters, I planned on leaving very few alive.

   "I've never know," I told him smiling. "But I like it. Me, a living legend..."


   That night, Belikov came in the new room with me. I sat up and pulled my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arm around them. "You okay, Belikov?" I asked.

   He looked at me as if he'd forgotten I was here. He shook his head as if to clear it. "Yeah, I'm fine." He faked yawn. (I knew because of the way he did it and it made him seem lifeless.)

   "I'm just tired." he said, sounding pretty fully awake to me.

   I had a feeling my new "massage therapist" from a few minutes before gave Belikov a few comments about me on his way to his room.

   "Well if you're tired, you could join me up here," I said, patting the bed. "A queen sized bed is too big for someone to sleep in it alone."

   Belikov glanced longingly at the bed, then me, and met my gaze. "You sure?" he asked.

   Smiling, I rearranged myself and pulled the cover's back, scooting over to leave enough room for him. "I'm 100% positive," I said.

   Smiling, Dmitri stood, kicking off his shoes. Before getting into the bed, he cut off almost every light, leaving only a dim light on.

   Crawling in the bed, he pulled the covers up and scooted over to me, where I lay with my back to him. He didn't stop until his chest was against my back. He wrapped an arm around me.

   An hour later, soft snores echoed off the walls of my room. But they were not mine.

   I still had a lot of work to do before I went to sleep. There had to be one less guy in this underground building tonight. Two at the most...

   *~* Bonjour everyone! Hope you all like it so far.... I shall not give you any more hints on the next chapter. Just know, *serious- ish voice*  it's go down. ; ) Any who, till next time...

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