Chapter 1

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This is the sequel of Finis, which you can find on my profile. Make sure you read that before you read this, or not many things will make sense.

Updates will not be regular until mid-late May, just needed to get this out of my drafts.

Reminder that this is also being posted on Archive Of Our Own under the username asgardixn

Enjoy, my darlings! :)


When she stood up on the podium to address the crowds, she didn't know what to say. She had been doing this for so many years at this point, but this announcement was different. It was an announcement of the death of an old friend. But, instead of a friend, that man had become an enemy.

"As of today, October 31st, 2053, I can finally announce that Harry James Potter and Draco Lucius Malfoy are dead. They jumped through the Veil of Death in an attempt to escape the Aurors that had been following them since they had entered the Ministry of Magic in attempt to take it over. In this escape, they also dragged an innocent into it. Edward Remus Lupin, or as some may know him, Headmaster Teddy Lupin is dead." There were several gasps but she kept going, "Potter and Malfoy jumped through the Veil of Death with Lupin and now, we have lost him to what lays beyond the Veil."

"Minister Granger!" Many reporters were calling.

"Yes?" Hermione Granger-Weasley said, pointing at one she knew to be Amerah Worogip, a writer for the Daily Prophet.

"What will happen to all the funds that were placed on the investigation to find Potter and Malfoy?"

"The funds will be transferred to where they can be further used."

"And what of the students of Hogwarts? Who will be the new Headmaster?" Another reporter yelled.

"That is not for me to decide, that is for the school board. But, for as I know, head of Gryffindor and herbology teacher, Neville Longbottom, will most likely be taking up the post."

"Are there going to be attempts to see where Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy and Teddy Lupin ended up?"

"That is classified Ministry business."

That was the last question she took that day. She made her way down to the Chamber of Death, where the Veil of Death stood. There was a group of Unspeakables working to see if they could somehow find out where the trio ended up.

Contrary to popular belief, Hermione knew that the Veil of Death was actually a portal between worlds. The hardest part was finding out where someone landed or how to get to a specific world. Or, at least that's what Hermione thought, not having knowing Harry had already figured it out in the other world.

As she was looked through old books to try and figure something out, she remembered something from an old History of Magic essay about the Old Religion.

Merlin, the one in the portrait at Hogwarts, could help him. She flooed into the Headmasters office. She knew the school board had made Neville Longbottom the new Headmaster. It was clear he hadn't finished moving in, but he had started. Currently the office was empty so she made her way down the staircase and to the dungeons of the school.

Merlin, for some reason, was in Slytherin. Some years ago, they had found a portrait of Merlin and decided to put him down by the dungeons seeing as he was never a headmaster.

The portrait was in one of the dark hallways of the dungeons that no one ever passes.

The portrait had an intricate gold frame with what was believed to be the castle of Camelot as the background. Merlin himself was an old man in red robes. His face had wrinkles and a long white beard.

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