1: Belldandy's first taste of battle.

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Toad was relaxing in his room with his new goddess girlfriend Belldandy.

Belldandy: Toad are you here my love?
Toad: what's up honey?
Belldandy: we have a problem. Someone is trying to rape me.
Toad: not cool. Nobody gets away with coming onto my girlfriend! Not on my watch!
Belldandy: darling.

All of a sudden, her angel appeared.

Holy Bell: .......
Toad: don't worry Holy Bell. I won't let anything bad happen to her. This I swear.
????: is that so?
Toad: we meet again Kamoshida.
Kamoshida: and here I thought I finally found someone to satisfy me.
Toad: like hell you will do that you shovenisitic pig.
Belldandy: Toad....
Toad: no worries Belldandy. I got this. PERSONA!!!! Ravage them Arsen!
Belldandy: be careful darling!
Toad: you could help too you know.
Belldandy: but I don't know how!
Toad: here. Take these.

He handed her a sword and a gun.

Belldandy: but I don't know how to use a sword or a gun!
Toad: I'll teach you so don't worry dear.

Toad helped her position her aim with her gun.

Toad: good now pull the hammer back and pull the trigger.

She fired a round at Kamoshida in the shoulder. She was shocked but in a good way.

Belldandy: that was.....invigorating! I could get used to this!
Toad: great job honey! Now use your sword!
Belldandy: ok!

She immediately used a flame sword skill like in SÃO.

Belldandy: amazing! I didn't know I could do that! Maybe there's something to fighting after all!
Kamoshida: I admit defeat.

And just like that, he vanished.

The cyborg and his goddess. (Belldandy x male oc x massive harem) Where stories live. Discover now