Chapter nine(Vol9)

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Neon's POV

I was shock when shanrine do that for me after all she's not bullying me nor hurting me, cause all she do is stand behind them and will wont talk nor agree to what her group saying to me.

"are you alright now?"she ask me and i just nob."you know you should have let loren deal with them."she said wrapping the the band aid around my head."but she will get scould by the teachers again and the other students will think she's being like this because of me."i said looking down on the ground.

"*sigh*even so you should learn to defend yourself cause you might never know one day they will do something that will lead you from killing yourself."i looked at shanrine amaze cause she's not a bully nor a friendly type but she really dose have good side that im amaze to see.

"well there all patch up, and here's your knight in shinning amour."she said and chuckled a bit.

Loren's POV

They really are a pain in the ass sometimes good thing neon only had a minor injuries or els i will tell step dad to teach sam a lesson agh! That brat."hey what are you doing to my Neon?"i ask the girl with a white or silver hair."well here's your knight in shinning amour."i blushed of what shanrine said, i walk up to neon and give her a water."well thx anyway shanrine even tho your they're group you still help neon to patch up her injuries."i said looking away.

"np i just dont like there doing hurting someone physical nor mental is not my thing."she said and leave, i look at neon and hug her.

"are you okey now?""yeah just a bit dizzy that's all."i look at her and patted her."you know how about you trasnfer school""i cant do that they will just hunt, it's better if i just stay here to be with my friend."she said with that innocent smile of her.

"hah well let's get you home."i said and we both head home.

Sam's POV

I felt guilty for letting joe hurt neon like that, but even so she still didnt tell the teacher about it nor make a move to us.

"hey dont tell me you feel guilty from that bitch?"alex said treating joe's head after all shanrine smash that glass on joe relly hard."that bitch when did she ever stand up from that bitch anyway, if i see her i will really slap her."amber said gripping the towel."oh shut it we all know shanrine dosent like hurting anyone physically nor mentally, she's just there standing behind but this time we over did it."i said to them until i heard the door open and it was shanrine.

"well shanrine dont you think you need to apologies to joe for smashing that glass on his head."i sigh because Amber and alex still wont let it go."why should i, you guy's over did it this time, i saw all the old and new bruises you guy's did to her but she's still here standing up and im having a second guess if should i really join thus group or not."after that she get her bag and leave.

Alex and amber both look down cause only the both of them can hurt someone like that physically.

"im going home too."i said and go home.

Unknown Person's POV

"did you get what i want."i ask and look at them both."it's all acourding to plan ms. Akenaria."shanrine said and give me the envelop."good now shanrine and ten you both ready everything im going to meet my daughter in no time."


A/N:here it come's that everyone's beem waiting for who is ten and mrs. Akenaria you will find out at the chapter 11.

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