Chapter 1

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All the Karasuno boys were dripping wet from sweat due to the hard and intense practice beforehand. "Lets go to a hotspings and cool down!" Bokuto screamed. Akaashi looked at Bokuto with the look of longing. No one can tell if its for death or for Bokuto or both. "That sounds like a good idea after the rigorous training we did today" Karasunos captain agreed. The teams headed out for the hotspring. Fukurodani and Karasuno were walking down to the hotspring when Hinata got a text from Kenma. "Hey Daichi, can Nekoma join us at the hot spring?" Hinata asked the captain. Daichi exchanged glances with Suga and nodded. "Yay!" Hinata jumed with excitment. "Calm down shrimp and watch were your going," Kageyama sneered. "Oh shut up stupi-yama " Hinata says while continuing to jump. "Where does that short stack get all this energy from?" Tsukishima asked annoyed that he's still going after a day of training. Yamaguchi and Akaashi shruged not carring at all. Hinata kept jumping around not caring about Kageyamas warnings. "Hey Bokuto!! Looks at this!" The orange haired crow shouted before jumping off a concrete ledge and landing on the sidewalk. "Be careful!" Sugas warning was to late though. Hinata had just jumped between a stand off with Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa's captains Oikawa and Ushijima. "Oh what do we have here a little bird flown from his nest?" Oikawa taunts. Ushijima just bowed his hello to Hinata and Hinata returned the greeting. "Hey! Are you ignoring me!" The great king whined. Iwaizumi appired and sighed. "Oh trashikawa are you starting fights with two teams that beat you to nationals?" "What no I'm perfect," Oikawa replied trying to defend himself. By this time the rest of Karasuno and Fukurodani had caught up to the group. "What're the top teams doing out so late?" Tendou from Shiritowazawa asked with a crazed look in his eye. " We just finished a intense traning session for teams that were at Nationals and now we are meeting up with Nekoma at a hot spring!" Bokuto says with the excitement that seeing him best bro Kuroo could only bring. "Hey yall should come with us!" Hinata offers. Oikawa scoffed,"and take a bath with yall?" "I would be honored to come thank you for the offer," Ushijima interrupted and bowed again to the teams. "What??!!" Oikawa screeched shoked. "If you're going then we are to. We won't lose to Shiratorizawa." "Sweet! Let's go get naked and bath together like men!!" Bokuto shouted and pumped a fist in the air."Yea! Like men!" Hinata added while posing the same next to Bokuto. Kageyama looked at the two with wonder as Akaashi covered his face with his hands in disappointment and siged. "Lets go then!" Karasunos captain announced and lead Aoba Johsai, shiratorizawa, Karasuno, and Fukurodani to the baths to meet up with Nekoma.

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