Chapter 5

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Ryder was in his room calming down after the huge outbreak he just had. Ryder couldn't even enjoy the things he used too
So Ryder decided to go to sleep which took a while for him to go to sleep but he eventually fell asleep. Skye in the other hand was in her puphouse still crying from the pain. Skye attempted to call the police or mayor goodway to come rescue her from the lookout but they though she was just joking and playing a game with Ryder and the others. Skye was alone and by herself wishing she could play outside and do flips because there were no toys in her puphouse and if she did a flip she would hit her head on the ceiling. While Rocky was outside paining his pup house he heard Skye's crying.
Rocky *Sighs* I feel so bad for her she didn't deserve any of this.
As Rocky continued paining he heard a loud bang come from her puphouse then it was silent.
Rocky walked over to her puphouse and knocked on the door. Skye answered and was trying to hide her tears from Rocky
Rocky are you ok I heard a loud bang come from here?
Skye yes I'm find
Rocky I feel bad for you even though it wasn't your fault
Skye you think?
Rocky is there anything I can do to help you?
Skye no but thanks for asking
Rocky ok
Before Rocky was about to walk away Skye called his name
Rocky yes
Skye we have to get out of here
Rocky what do you mean?
Skye Meaning get out of here leave and we have to hurry
Rocky ok but not today
Skye how about tonight
Rocky deal cya then
Skye ok honey bun
As Skye closed her door
Rocky honey bun?

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