Chapter 2

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As the next day hit, Ryder went out to go driving for fun as Ryder left Chase in charge  once again but before Ryder left he made a rundown of what Chase can and cannot do.
Chase agreed to everything Ryder said and walked away not bothering anyone.
The pups were waiting for Chase to usually begin yelling at them but Chase didnt feel like yelling until Ryder completely left
Chase barked out his mega phone and called Zuma to come downstairs
Zuma What Is it Chase?
Chase I need advice
Zuma For?
Chase I don't want Rocky to live here anymore I want him gone
Zuma well I don't know what to tell you Chase
Chase C'mon Zuma don't you have anything up your sleeve that I can do?
Zuma No he's actually my Friend
Chase Zuma c'mon if you he'll me find a way I won't bother you for 5 weeks
Zuma No
Chase 10 weeks
Zuma Chase the point is no and that's finale it's your idea so you should have a solution to it
Chase Your right
Chase I have an idea

Zuma Chase why do I have to wear this stuff I'm not even a girl
Chase I need you to disctract Rocky while I talk to Skye
Zuma You can't just say excuse me can I talk to Skye for a few minutes
Chase no
Zuma you know what fine
Chase And remember your name is Kayla
Zuma Whatever
Zuma Hey Do you know where th-
Rocky Oh Hey Zuma what's up and what's with the uniform
Zuma You know what I'm out
Chase what Zuma you didn't do anything
Zuma I told you this wasn't going to work so here take your uniform back and you figure this all out on your own because you wasted my time and he already knew it was me
Skye what was that all about?
Rocky I dunno
Chase *Sighs*

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