Chapter 3

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When Ryder left once again to go help Katie get her kitten from the tree he left Chase in charge but today Chase went a bit overboard
Chase Okay everyone you are all going to kiss each other
Rocky no
Chase yes you are you are all going to give each other a kiss because we all love each other so who wants to go 1st?
Rocky when you said we all love each other that means except for you Chase
Chase is that supposed to hurt my feelings?
Rocky wasn't trying to but deep down inside if you your upset
Chase I never get upset
Rocky yeah you do
Chase no I don't
Rocky I've seen you upset before
Chase when?
Rocky you where upset because you didn't get your 2nd in command reward
Chase yeah and I wonder why
Chase said getting in Rocky's face
Rocky You better back the hell up man😒
Chase move me I dare you
Rocky man your not worth my time
Chase your just scared of me if you want to me to move then you move me
Rocky The only thing you need to be moving is a toothbrush across your teeth man your breath is hot like the damn equator
Pups *Laughs*
Chase Move me tough guy
Rocky If you not going to move imma move *backs up*
Chase get back in your spot
Rocky No
Chase NOW
Rocky ok Now you take a step back like about 6 feet
Chase No get back in your spot
Rocky Not until you move
Chase fine *steps away from the spot*
Rocky *Goes back to spot*
Skye Finally
Chase I'm sorry you had to hear that cupcake
Rocky 😑
Skye whatever brownie
Rocky 😏
Chase something funny say it because I'm pretty sure we all wanna laugh
Rocky Why you call her cupcake she far away from a hostess cupcake.
Chase Listen here you No good waste of space she loves me and you are forever alone nobody will ever love you
Skye actually I do
Chase what 💔
Skye Sorry Chase but I'm tired of you being rude to Rocky he did nothing to you and I'm sorry to say this but your a single pup now and Rocky is now my Sugar Cube
Rocky 😶 a what

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