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I'm practically sprinting down the corridor towards the central elevators, looking like a damn fool. Spotting Cameron's door is propped open, I make sure to slow to a brisk walk when approaching his dorm. My eyes stay fixed on the ground so I don't mistakenly make eye contact with him as I pass. I pray that he does not try and stop me to engage in yet another one of our awkward conv—

"Ouch. What the —" I rebound off the hefty mass that I just collided with and tumble to the ground.

"Oh, shit!" a deep voice booms as I feel hands greedily pulling me back to my feet before I even know what is going on. "Are you okay, Elliana? I heard someone running down the hallway, so I came out to check what was going on." His hands remain unmoved from my upper arms.

Oh, no. I legitimately hate talking to him, much less fancy a physical interaction with him. Cameron isn't a terrible person by any means – just awkward. Although, maybe I only think he's awkward because I am awkward and don't know how to talk to new people.

Cameron is a junior computer science major here at GCU, but he took a gap year between high school and college, which makes him twenty-two years old. He's average height with an average build. His dark tight curly locks are almost always left unkempt, which pairs well with the scruff that often inhabits his chin. His brown eyes are nothing special, but I will admit his lips are quite full and intriguing.

In the three weeks that Cameron has been my RA, I've failed to learn much about him other than he plays a crap ton of video games and he participates in the Humans vs. Zombies event on campus every semester. Overall, he seems like a nice enough guy, but not someone I would ever find myself wanting to hang out with.

As far as resident assistant duties, I would classify him as fair – not super strict, but not very lenient. In our welcome meeting, he assured us that there was a zero tolerance policy for alcohol in the dorms. He basically told us that if it's his ass or our ass on the line, he will be throwing us under the bus in no time. I don't blame him for that at all – I'd be the same way if I were a RA. Additionally, no drug use will be tolerated under his watch, which I was thankful for. Like I said, I don't judge, but I would prefer to not have my room smelling like the devil's lettuce all the time. The last rule he was required to talk to us about was opposite sex curfews and sleepovers. In summary, he said he couldn't care less as long as consent was obtained, but no babies allowed, so wrap it up. This really wasn't a big deal to me, since Rhett & I don't have sleepovers or have sex, but Gretchen and Taylor were ecstatic to hear the news.

Frazzled, I politely brush his hands from my body. "I'm fine, Cameron. Really, it's okay." After smoothing my hair down, I rub the bit of skin on my right arm where he gripped a bit too tight while hastily lifting me to my feet. That's probably going to bruise, I think to myself.

He must register the discomfort on my face because he starts apologizing again. "I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you, Elliana? I'm such a shitty RA," he sulks as his focus shifts from my face to the ground.

Ugh, I hate that he calls me by my full name. "No, no, I'm fine! I just bruise easily." He picks his head up a bit, but doesn't meet my eyes. "Maybe I have anemia!" I add with an uncomfortable laugh. Immediately, I realize that was a stupid joke and my cheeks flare from embarrassment.

He looks up with a confused look, "Huh?"

"Nothing, sorry. Stupid pre-med joke," I flash a half-smile followed by a quick chuckle. The chime from the elevator at the end of the hall saves me from this insufferable encounter. I jab my thumb in the direction of the elevator shafts, "Ope – gotta go. I'm fine though, really. Talk to you later, Cameron!"

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