Toy story part.15

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Woody has climbed up on to the rear bumper of the van before realizing that Buzz is missing. He looks back to discover Buzz stuck in the fence.

"Just go! I'll catch up!." said Buzz,

Woody jumps down and runs back for Buzz.

The van begins pulling out of the driveway.

Woody tugs on a loosened slat and breaks Buzz free of the fence.

The two toys run out into the street just in time to see the van driving off down the street.


Woody and Buzz turn around.

THE MOVING VAN drives right over them. Woody and Buzz SCREAM, ducking just in time.

After the truck passes, Buzz runs after it with Woody a few steps behind.

"Let's go." replied Woody,

"Come on!." said Buzz,


Scud is lying on the porch when he suddenly perks up at the sight of the two tiny toys running down the street after the moving truck.

Scud bears his teeth and GROWLS.


Buzz runs up close to the truck with Woody still back a few paces.

A STRAP dangles off the back of the truck. Buzz makes a leap for it and grabs hold. He climbs up the strap and onto the bumper.

Woody then lunges for the strap, but it stays just out of reach.

"Oh no." replied Woody,

"You can do it, Woody!." said Buzz,

Woody gives a mighty leap and catches hold of the strap.

"Woo-hoo-hoo! I made it." replied Woody,

Woody begins climbing up when suddenly Buzz goes pale. Woody looks behind him to see SCUD

The dog leaps forward and bites down on one of Woody's legs.

"Oh boy." said Buzz,

(kicking Scud with other foot) "Aaaaaahh!! Get away, you stupid dog! Down! Down! Aah! Aah!." replied Woody,

Scud tugs on Woody, pulling him down to the end of the strap.

"Hold on, Woody!." said Buzz,

"I can't do it! Take care of Andy for me!." replied Woody,

"NO-O-O-O-O-O-O!!." said Buzz,

Buzz leaps off of the truck and onto Scuds snout. He grabs Scud's eyelids and snaps them hard. Scud YELPS, letting go of Woody. The dog bucks wildly with Buzz hanging onto his face.

"Buzz!." replied Woody,

The moving truck continues down the street leaving Buzz and Scud behind.

Still hanging onto the strap, Woody scrambles up onto the bumper. He unlocks the back door of the truck and tries to lift up the heavy door.

Suddenly, the family van and moving truck come to a stop at a traffic light.

Woody slams into the door, causing it to fly upward taking Woody with it.

Hanging from the door, Woody scans the inside of the truck until he spots what he's looking for.

A PILE OF MOVING BOXES with the words "ANDY'S TOYS" written on them in crayon.

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