Toy story part.6

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All is clear -- no sign of Andy. Woody throws open the lid of the toy box.

"Hey." replied Opal,

"Finally! hey Opal." said Woody,

"Missing something sheriff." replied Opal, (in a southern drawl)

He takes a couple DEEP BREATHS of fresh air, then discovers that his hat is missing.

(looking back into the toy box) "Hey, who's got my hat?." said Woody,

(The rubber shark pops up wearing Woody's cowboy hat.)

"Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!." replied the shark,

"Ha interesting." said Opal,

(sarcastic) "Ah-ha! Ah-ha (grabs the hat) Gimme that!." replied Woody,

Woody leaps out of the toy box.

(O.S.) "Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog, let me show you something. It looks as though I've been accepted into your culture." said Buzz,

Woody looks up to see Buzz chatting with Rex and Slinky.

"Oh come on I...hate him." replied Woody,

"Relax." said Opal,

(continued) "Your chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me." replied Buzz,

Buzz puts his foot out so that Slinky and Rex can see the sole of his boot.

The name "ANDY" is written on it in permanent marker.

"Wow!." said Slinky and Rex,

"With permanent ink too!." replied Rex,

"Well, I must get back to repairing my ship." said Buzz,

Buzz walks away.

Woody looks at HIS foot -- "Andy" is written on it also but in a much more childish scrawl and is largely faded.

(O.S.) "Don't let it get to you, Woody." replied Bo Peep,

Hearing Bo, Woody puts his foot back down and quickly straightens up.

(nonchalant) "Uh... Let what? I don't, uh-- What do you mean? Who?." said Woody,

"That wasn't even convincing." replied Opal,

"I know Andy's excited about Buzz. But you know he'll always have a special place for you." said Bo Peep,

(walking past) "Yeah, like the attic. Heh, heh..." replied Mr.Potatohead,

"Not helping." said Opal,

"All right, that's it!." replied Woody,

Woody angrily marches across the room.

Across the room, Buzz's cardboard ship is still up on the ABC blocks. Buzz lies down on a skateboard and slides under the ship like a mechanic. Snake and Robot stand by waiting for instructions. Buzz's hand reaches out from under the ship.

"Hmm. Unidirectional bonding strip." said Buzz,

(Robot turns toward Snake who stands in readiness by a tape dispenser.)

"Mr. Lightyear wants more tape." replied Robot,

Snake rips off a piece of tape with his mouth.

Woody approaches the skateboard, grabs hold of Buzz's foot and rolls him out from under the ship.

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